本文关键词: 社区文化 滨湖世纪社区 文化共同体 文化营造 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Community culture is a unique way of life created, conceived and formed by people in a specific area in the course of long-term life practice. Its contents include emotional consciousness, value concept, aesthetic way, etc. Customs and habits, etc. Community culture is an important part of the construction of Chinese socialist culture. The study of Chinese community culture has been on the rise since the middle of 1980s. The achievements of scholars at home and abroad have been remarkable: either from the concept of community culture, from the function and function of community culture, or from the specific content and development model of community culture construction. However, from the perspective of cultural anthropology, the study of specific community culture is rare in China. Taking the "lakeside century community" in Hefei as the field investigation point, using the methods of literature, interview and participation observation, the author makes a deep and continuous observation and description of the life content of community members in the daily world. This paper describes the interactive communication, festival customs and other life scenes among the multiculturalism subjects, so as to obtain more true and reliable original data. According to the theory of cultural functionalism, the author tries to explain the function of various cultural factors and their relations, and probes into the way of cultural construction of "Lakeside Century Community". The article is divided into five parts. Chapter one is an introduction. This paper expounds the significance and value of studying community culture, summarizes the literature about community culture research at home and abroad, explains the research methods adopted in this paper, and defines the concept of case study. This paper mainly discusses the geographical location and location characteristics of community development in the century, natural climate, social and economic situation, and administrative system. On the basis of presenting the objective conditions of the "lakeside century community", such as physical geography and social economy, Contribute to a deeper understanding and understanding of the process of community establishment and development in the century and the cultural life of community residents in the daily world. It mainly describes the daily life and cultural activities of the residents living in the community. How do the community subjects with different cultural backgrounds interact and participate in the construction of community culture? chapter 4th, "Community of the Lakeside Century", mainly analyzes the characteristics between rural culture and urban culture. The collision and blending of two different cultures of rural culture and urban culture in "lakeside century community" are discussed in three aspects: cultural functionalism analysis of community culture construction. Chapter 5th: the path of cultural construction of "lakeside century community". In the last part, the conclusion is drawn as follows: in a pluralistic living space, a relatively highly consistent cultural community is established. Not only need the government power drive, but also need the community residents to play the role of subjectivity.
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