本文选题:政策不连续性 切入点:韩国总统制 出处:《北京外国语大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:中国和韩国互为重要邻国,同属东北亚地区重要的政治经济实体,在地区乃至世界都发挥着重要的作用。自从1992年建交以来,两国外交关系已经延续25年。经过不断的发展,双方在政治经济文化等领域的交流都取得了重大进展,尤其在2015年,中韩签订了《中韩自贸协定》后,双方经济往来更加密切。然而在2016年7月,韩国宣布配合美国在韩部署"萨德"反导系统,一石激起千层浪,中韩关系出现重大裂痕,双方政治经济关系迅速降温。在此背景下,更好地了解韩国的政治体制有助于我国更好地了解韩国的政治动机,并更好地应对类似于"萨德"事件这类的突发事件。自1948年建国以来,韩国就不断地对宪法进行修改,到1987年为止总共进行了 9次修宪。1987年10月,现行宪法《第六共和国宪法》被通过,标志着韩国民主化时期的到来。现有宪法规定总统为单任且不能连任。虽然韩国1987年制定的现行宪法防止了独裁的出现,但是韩国政治制度暴露出的新问题却层出不穷,这些问题导致韩国国内一再出现修宪的提议。金泳三、卢武铉、李明博和朴槿惠四位总统都曾提出过修宪动议,其中很重要的原因是单任制的总统制使得韩国总统很难制定长期有效的国家政策。观察韩国民主化后的现状可以发现,政策的不连续性在韩国政治中表现得尤其明显。民主化后,韩国在外交、经济和国家重大政策方面常常出现政策的重大转变或重要政策不能延续的情况。国内学术界对于韩国政治、经济、外交等领域的研究成果丰富,对于政治制度和修宪过程的研究也有一定成果,但是对于韩国民主化后的总统制研究尚有欠缺。对于民主化之后总统制导致的问题方面,也只是基本上进行了问题的罗列,几乎没有学者结合总统制与政策不连续性问题进行深入分析。本文试图通过分析韩国现行总统制的特点,结合韩国民主化后政策不连续的事例进而分析产生政策不连续性的原因。为达到以上目的,本文将首先回顾韩国总统制的起源、修宪过程和韩国历任总统曾提出的修宪动议,紧接着将着重从韩国经济政策、对朝政策及对外政策几方面分析韩国政策不连续的现状,最后将会分析韩国现行总统制下韩国政策不连续的原因。
[Abstract]:China and South Korea are important neighbors to each other, belong to the important political and economic entities of Northeast Asia, and play an important role in the region and even the world. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992, diplomatic relations between the two countries have lasted for 25 years. Significant progress has been made in political, economic and cultural exchanges between the two sides, especially since the signing of the China-ROK Free Trade Agreement in 2015. However, in July 2016, South Korea has announced that it is cooperating with the United States in deploying the THAAD anti-missile system in South Korea, one stone has stirred up a thousand waves, there has been a major rift in Sino-South Korean relations, and the political and economic relations between the two sides have rapidly cooled. Against this background, A better understanding of South Korea's political system will help our country better understand South Korea's political motives and better deal with unexpected events such as the "THAAD" incident. Since the founding of the Republic of Korea in 1948, South Korea has continuously revised its constitution. A total of nine constitutional amendments have been made up to 1987. In October 1987, the current Constitution of the sixth Republic was adopted, It marks the arrival of a period of democratization in South Korea. The existing constitution stipulates that the president is single and non-renewable. Although the current constitution enacted in 1987 prevented the emergence of dictatorship, new problems have emerged in South Korea's political system. These issues have led to repeated constitutional amendments in South Korea. Kim Young-san, Roh Moo-hyun, Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye have all proposed amendments to the Constitution. One of the important reasons is that the single presidential system makes it very difficult for the Korean president to formulate long-term effective national policies. If we look at the current situation after the democratization of South Korea, we can find that. The discontinuity of policy is particularly evident in Korean politics. After democratization, South Korea was in foreign affairs. In terms of economic and national major policies, there are often major changes in policies or situations in which important policies cannot be continued. The domestic academic circles have made rich achievements in the fields of Korean politics, economy, foreign affairs, and so on. There have also been some achievements in the study of the political system and the process of amending the Constitution, but there is still a lack of research on the presidential system after democratization in South Korea. In terms of the problems caused by the presidential system after democratization, it is also basically a list of problems. Few scholars have made an in-depth analysis of the issue of presidential system and policy discontinuity. This paper attempts to analyze the characteristics of the current presidential system in South Korea. In order to achieve the above purpose, this paper will first review the origin of the presidential system of South Korea, the process of amending the constitution and the constitutional amendment motions put forward by successive presidents of South Korea. Next will focus on the Korean economic policy, North Korea policy and foreign policy analysis of the status quo of South Korea's policy discontinuity, and finally will analyze the reasons for the current presidential system of South Korea's policy discontinuity.
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