本文选题:留守儿童 切入点:道德 出处:《西北师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The problem of left-behind children in rural areas has always been a prominent issue of social concern, because it is directly related to the rise and fall of a family and the prosperity of the nation. The second is the weak moral will, the third is the confusion of moral judgment, and the fourth is the disorder of moral behavior. The basic causes of these problems are, first of all, the lack of parent-child education, the lower quality of the subject of moral education, Second, the reasons for the school are: the utilitarianism of educational purposes, the poor communication between "home" and "school", and the lack of strength of the campus cultural environment; finally, from the perspective of the social environment, Social stratification makes the rural left-behind children in a weak position in the education system, the social environment for the growth of left-behind children is poor, and the negative impact of the decline of rural moral culture. These are the reasons for the moral problems of left-behind children. To solve the moral problems of left-behind children in Jingning County, we should start from families and schools. The family should strengthen the communication and communication between parents and left-behind children, improve the moral quality of educators and strengthen the moral consciousness of guardians. The school should strengthen the moral guidance function of the rural school, close contact with the parents through the network, carry out rich and colorful moral cultivation activities, improve the moral quality of the rural teachers, create the educational environment in the community, set up the parents' school; Set up supervision department, make use of the moral local resources of Jingning County, construct the concept of rural culture, rebuild the sense of rural identity, coordinate the development of urban and rural culture; Prosperity of rural community culture. The key to solve the problem of moral cultivation of left-behind children in Jingning County is institutional innovation, including perfecting relevant laws and regulations, speeding up the process of urban-rural integration, narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, perfecting the social security system in rural areas of our country. Vigorously prosperity of various cultural undertakings in rural areas.
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