本文选题:社区治理 切入点:“村改居”社区 出处:《华南理工大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:However, after realizing the change of name from "village" to "residence", how to keep up with the development of the situation in the aspect of system transformation? To realize the essential transformation from the traditional rural management system to the modern urban community governance system is an urgent problem that is generally faced after the transformation of the "village to residence" community. Since Guangzhou began to explore the work of "changing the village to live" in 2002, party committees at all levels, The government has done a lot of solid and effective work and has been able to push forward the urbanization process of the "village to residence" community. After "changing the village to live", the original economic development function of the village committee was taken over by the economic association. The functions of administrative affairs and social service management were carried on by the neighborhood committees of community autonomous organizations, which theoretically laid the foundation for the separation of economic organizations and autonomous organizations. It is helpful to promote the transformation of rural grass-roots management system to urban grass-roots management system. However, because of the path-dependent characteristics of the system reform, it is still unable to catch up with the requirement of the development of the community practice of "changing village to dwelling". The relationship between the government and the community is not smooth enough, the relationship between the main bodies of internal governance is not straightened out, and the operation system of collective economic organizations is not perfect enough. In order to solve these problems, this paper adopts the combination of historical research and current situation analysis, the combination of theoretical research and field research. On the basis of theoretical analysis, we have conducted empirical research in the areas of Yuexiu, Haizhu, Liwan, Baiyun, Tianhe, Huangpu and Luogang. By holding a forum, this paper makes an investigation on the problems related to the community management system of "village to residence", and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for further improving the community management system of "village to residence" in Guangzhou.
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