本文选题:七届中央委员 切入点:特定方向 出处:《行政管理改革》2017年11期
[Abstract]:In general, positive historical orientation refers to the specific direction and position formed by the combination of time process and spatial distribution, which is the coordinate system of the intersection of time and space.In the sense of national strategy, the historical orientation is mainly reflected in the current situation and historical trend of a country's development.First, we should fully understand the strategic significance of historical orientation. In the process of revolution and construction, the Communist Party of China should persist in grasping the historical position scientifically and constantly move from victory to new victory.A report by Comrade Mao Zedong at the second Plenary session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
【作者单位】: 国家行政学院政治学教研部;
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