本文选题:协商民主 切入点:少数民族 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The process of Marx's theory of Chinese, for the application of this concept of democracy wrote a thick and heavy in colours. Through theoretical study and practical exploration for many years, we have been able to conclude that democracy is replacing autocratic dictatorship, scientific weapons, democracy to replace dictatorship is regarded as social progress in history. That is to say in whether to achieve the people's democracy firmly on this issue, the answer is yes. Lenin once said: "according to the book about socialist programme era is over, I am convinced that has gone for ever. Today only according to the experience about socialism." since the founding of our country for many years practice experience has proved that empty talk, hard work and prosperous. Therefore, we need to solve the problem is not whether we should realize democracy, but the practice requires us to realize what kind of democracy, how The Democratic Party's the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. Mentioned by the "CPC Central Committee on deepening reform of the overall number of major issues in the decision", to promote the development of deliberative democracy extensive multi institutionalization, can not help themselves. The decision is the future development of our country the beacon and quasi rope, and decided to deliberative democracy is also mentioned in the the direction of democracy is one of the people in our country. This article is based on this view, the deliberative democracy theory, through the investigation of deliberative democracy in minority areas, combined with the knowledge, systematic analysis of emergence of deliberative democracy development process in minority regions, and further proposes the solution and the way. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is the introduction, mainly explains the background, research topic of deliberative democracy in minority areas of Science The theory significance and the practical significance of the topic, the domestic and foreign research and development status quo, the specific methods used in the paper and the innovation and deficiencies are described. The second part is the connotation of Chinese deliberative democracy theories are summarized and practice development in minority areas, the part from theory and practice two aspects, the main significance of basic connotation of deliberative democracy construction, science and characteristics in the minority area of China deliberative democracy development and practice characteristics were described briefly. The third part is through the investigation of the ethnic minority areas of deliberative democracy implementation present situation, find out the main achievements of China's minorities the implementation of Deliberative Democracy in ethnic minority areas and problems. The fourth part is the key to deliberative democracy theory, to find out the association of Shang Min in the minority areas of China The solution and Countermeasures of main problems. In our country, because of the region between different areas, different customs, inevitably there is a big difference. In the research process of socialist deliberative democracy in this problem, based on a case study of ethnic minority areas, will inevitably enrich our socialist deliberative democracy theory system in our country, to promote sound and rapid development of socialist deliberative democracy, to achieve a high degree of socialist democracy building blocks.
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