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发布时间:2018-04-13 01:14

  本文选题:文化 + 核心价值 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Painstaking, hand and foot callus.Today, the self-improvement of the Chinese nation, in the endless cycle of disappointment and hope, has finally seen the dream of a new world nation.As Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out, after more than 100 years of hard work, China is getting closer and closer to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the nation.At present, China, which has made great achievements in economic construction, how to solve and overcome the various social contradictions and problems that have emerged in the course of development, and how to break through the shackles of various ideological, institutional and institutional mechanisms,It is an important subject that needs to be discussed in depth at present.Based on Chinese Dream's Cultural implication, this paper aims to reveal the strong supporting and promoting effect of culture on national rejuvenation.The three levels of culture, namely, surface culture, middle level culture, and bottom culture, jointly promote social progress and national rejuvenation, but they can lead the social trend of thought to the maximum extent possible, gather consensus, and produce a joint effort of the whole people.There is no doubt that ideology and other spiritual level of culture.At present, in the new historical period of our country, the socialist core value system and the socialist core values which are highly condensed on this basis are the core values to realize Chinese Dream and the soul of national rejuvenation.Under the guidance of the above arguments, the first chapter "Chinese Dream and the basic theoretical issues of culture" as a breakthrough point, first of all, the Chinese people since the pursuit of the historical logic of national rejuvenation as a clue, to explore the basic connotation of Chinese Dream;This paper expounds the basic concepts and theories of culture and lays a foundation for the later chapters.The second chapter, "the inner logic of culture construction and Chinese Dream", mainly explains the inner logic and the relationship between cultural construction and Chinese Dream.The traditional Chinese culture, as the blood and soul of the Chinese nation, plays the role of centripetal force and cohesion in the development of five thousand years of history.In this chapter, the historical facts and realistic cases of ancient and modern times are used to prove that culture plays a powerful role in national development.The third chapter, "Chinese Dream's core value", starts with the analysis of three levels of culture, and then explains the socialist core value system and socialist core value system, which is the core value of realizing the national rejuvenation.The fourth chapter is "problems to be further discussed". After expounding the present situation of cultural construction and analyzing the causes, the author generalizes the problems that need to be further explored in the current cultural construction, in order to provide suggestions and references for the ruling party and the government to make relevant decisions.


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