发布时间:2018-04-13 01:39
本文选题:昙华乡 + 彝族村民 ; 参考:《云南大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:政治参与是政治学领域内研究民主政治的重要内容,是每个公民享有当家作主、实现自己政治权利的主要途径,是衡量中国特色社会主义政治朝向现代化发展的重要指标。在中国,农民人口数量庞大。他们参与基层民主政治的意识、能力、方式以及效果等方面直接反映了当地基层民主政治发展的水平。虽然我国实行村民自治以来,广大农民积极参与地方事务管理。他们参与的人数不断增多、参与的渠道不断多样化、参与的层次不断提高以及参与的深度和广度不断加强,这都说明了农民群众的政治意识在增强,政治参与能力在提高。但是由于我国地域辽阔、经济发展水平参差不齐、历史文化存在差异以及民族风俗各不相同导致了各个地方的农民政治素质、政治认知以及政治参与行为千差万别。 少数民族地区的农民政治参与也是处在这种社会大背景下,它既具有一般民众参与的共性,也具有少数民族参与的特性。大姚县昙华乡就是一个典型例子。本文通过对当地彝族村民政治参与的历史考察、特征、现状以及路径分析等方面展开深入细致地研究,目的在于为现代社会民主政治建设中探讨少数民族的政治参与提供基层案例,进而可以实现十八大报告中发展中国特色社会主义政治的要求即健全基层党组织领导的群众自治机制,推进其信息公开、强化其权力监督,扩大农民有序政治参与,拓宽其参与的范围和途径,丰富其参与的内容和形式,保障多数人民享有更多更真实的民主权利。
[Abstract]:Political participation is an important content in the research of democratic politics in the field of political science. It is the main way for every citizen to be the master of his own country and realize his own political rights. It is also an important index to measure the development of socialist politics with Chinese characteristics towards modernization.In China, the population of farmers is huge.Their consciousness, ability, way and effect of participating in grass-roots democratic politics directly reflect the development level of local grass-roots democratic politics.Although our country implements villager self-government, the broad farmer takes an active part in the local affairs management.The number of people they participate in, the channels of participation, the level of participation and the depth and breadth of participation are increasing, which shows that the political consciousness of farmers is increasing and their ability of political participation is improving.However, due to the vast territory, uneven level of economic development, differences in history and culture, as well as different ethnic customs, farmers' political quality, political cognition and political participation behavior vary widely in various places.The political participation of peasants in minority areas is also in this social background, it has the general characteristics of the participation of the general public, but also the characteristics of the participation of ethnic minorities.Dayao County Yuhua Township is a typical example.This article through the local Yi villagers' political participation historical investigation, the characteristic, the present situation as well as the path analysis and so on aspect carries on the thorough detailed research.The purpose of this study is to provide a case study for the political participation of ethnic minorities in the construction of democratic politics in modern society.Thus, the requirements of developing socialist politics with Chinese characteristics in the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China can be realized, that is, to improve the mass autonomy mechanism led by grass-roots party organizations, to promote its information openness, to strengthen its power supervision, and to expand the orderly political participation of farmers.We should broaden the scope and ways of participation, enrich the contents and forms of participation, and ensure that the majority of the people enjoy more and more real democratic rights.
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