本文选题:1950年 + 整风运动 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The anti-bureaucracy movement in the rectification movement in 1950 was the first time that the Communist Party of China, as a ruling party, lit its sword against bureaucracy after the founding of the people's Republic of China.After the founding of the people's Republic of China, the Communist Party of China, as a ruling party, is facing a severe test. At the same time, many changes have taken place in the ranks of the Communist Party of China, and some cadres have contracted a bureaucratic style of work after the victory of the revolution and have caused serious harm.As a result, the CPC decided to launch a rectification movement in the whole Party and the army in conjunction with its daily work to eliminate the bureaucratic style of work existing among the cadres.This movement has also made some achievements and provided some experience and enlightenment for today's anti-bureaucracy.This article is divided into five chapters altogether: introduction, background of anti-bureaucratism in the rectification movement in 1950, the bureaucratic phenomenon exposed before and after the rectification movement in 1950 and its harm, and the concrete work of anti-bureaucracy in the rectification movement in 1950.France, 1950 rectification movement in the anti-bureaucracy of the significance and inspiration.Apart from the introduction, the main content of the article consists of four parts.The first part introduces the background of anti-bureaucratism in the rectification movement of 1950, the initial establishment of the domestic regime, the decline of the economy, the existence of the remaining enemy bandits, the international blockade by the United States imperialists, the severe test of the Chinese Communist Party's ruling power, and the victory of the revolution.A series of changes have also taken place in the Chinese Communist Party's own ranks.The second part expounds in detail the various bureaucratic phenomena exposed before and after the rectification movement in 1950, and analyzes the great harm caused by the bureaucratic style of work to the industrial and agricultural production, the relationship between the Party and the masses, and the construction of the cadre contingent.The third part, the anti-bureaucracy practices at that time were summarized and introduced.First, the top leadership of the Central Committee paid full attention to the anti-bureaucracy movement and made adequate preparations for public opinion and organization.Secondly, all localities organize study documents, lift the ideological burden of cadres, take the lead, combine the work to check the problems, and solve the problems in time to consolidate the achievements of the movement.All localities have adopted various ways to train local cadres step by step, and appropriately organized the cadre ranks in light of the actual situation.In this campaign, the relevant supervisory agencies and local newspapers have fully played a supervisory role, to promote the campaign played a great role.The fourth part summarizes the significance and enlightenment of the anti-bureaucratism movement. Through this training, cadres at all levels have made a preliminary improvement in their work style, the relationship between the Party and the masses has been improved, and because of the high working mood of the cadres,It also promoted the development of various work at that time.This struggle against bureaucracy also set the tone for the ruling party's anti-bureaucratism in the future, that is, anti-bureaucracy should be carried out on the basis of construction and in conjunction with daily work; it should be people-oriented, closely associate with the masses, and practice the mass line.Looking at the causes and consequences of this anti-bureaucracy movement, we can see that in order to overcome bureaucracy, we must not only strengthen ideological construction and raise the ideological level, but also strengthen institutional construction, firmly build institutional barriers, and strengthen supervision from all walks of life.Create a good social atmosphere.
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