本文选题:秦汉社会转型 + 乡绅自治 ; 参考:《东华大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Qin and Han dynasties are the most remarkable period of social transformation in Chinese history.From the separation of princes to the "unification" of the world, from the separate administration to the formation of the central and local "pyramid" power structure, the Qin and Han dynasties established the political system of China for thousands of years.The three-level administrative hierarchy system of central-county-county was used by later rulers in Qin Dynasty.In the early Han Dynasty, the rulers adopted the idea of "quiet and inaction" to produce the social form of "independent governance" of the grass-roots society below the county level.Under the power vacuum of "imperial power does not fall under county", the gentry in the rural society of Qin and Han dynasties became the governing subject of the end of state power by virtue of their special social status, talent, morality and prestige.They become the regulator of the country and the rural society, the governer of the Chinese traditional village and the leader of the rural public power structure.It plays an important role in balancing state power, promoting rural governance, economizing administrative cost, creating social wealth, being honest in people's goods, and condensing power.In order to explore the mystery of the rural grass-roots social development in the period of social transformation of Qin and Han dynasties, this article distinguishes the former people from the macro perspective of the formation of the political system in the Qin and Han dynasties, the development of the administration of officials in the Qin and Han dynasties, and the changes of the culture in the Qin and Han dynasties.Through a small part to see the whole, try to excavate its function in the rural social governance of Qin and Han dynasties from the "squire" as the ink point.Through the method of historical comparison and the method of document integration, this paper aims to clarify the following problems: first, the construction process of local order in the period of social transformation in Qin and Han dynasties; second, the influence of social stratum changes on the formation of grass-roots social forces in the process of transformation.The formation and Development of the Squire Class in the Qin and Han dynasties. The function of the squire autonomy in China for thousands of years is analyzed objectively. From the perspective of historical development, the essence of the squire class is taken, the dross is discarded, and the modern grass-roots governance is considered and used for reference.During the transition period of Qin and Han dynasties, the management of the squire was characterized by its distinctive characteristics and strong autonomy. Although it was not like "unified unification", "scrapping separate seals to run counties", "building a unified administrative bureaucracy", and so on, it attracted much attention.However, as an important role of social governance at the grass-roots level, the squire can not turn a blind eye to the important role of rural construction.
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