本文选题:美国 + 古巴 ; 参考:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The United States and Cuba officially resumed diplomatic ties on July 20, 2015, after 54 years of severed diplomatic relations, the biggest progress in more than half a century. Cuba has been subject to a severe political and economic embargo since 1961, when the United States severed diplomatic relations with Cuba and resumed diplomatic relations with Cuba in 2015. The blockade coincided with the overthrow of the Castro regime by the United States, with little success. Over the years, Cuba has actively developed multilateral diplomatic relations and strengthened friendly cooperation with other countries in the world, especially with Latin American countries, in order to break the embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba. During his first presidential campaign, Obama promised that, once elected, the United States would gradually improve its relations with Cuba. Obama lifted restrictions on U.S. citizens visiting relatives in Cuba and U.S. citizens sending remittances to their relatives in Cuba. On December 17, 2014, Obama announced his commitment to normalizing relations between the two countries. Combined with the above background, this paper analyzes the reasons for the Obama administration to re-establish diplomatic relations with Cuba from three levels. First of all, from the external factors, under the trend of peaceful development and globalization, China, Russia and the European Union actively cooperate with Cuba to stimulate the United States to restore the normalization of relations with Cuba; With the rise of Latin America's status and the declining influence of the United States in the region, Latin American countries have demanded that the United States put an end to sanctions against Cuba; in addition, public opinion from the international community is calling on the United States to abolish the sanctions against Cuba. Secondly, from the perspective of internal factors, the United States began to gradually improve its relations with Cuba for the 2016 US presidential election and to raise the international image of the United States. Cuba's domestic economic and social reforms have achieved great success. The United States found the sanctions ineffective; pressure from domestic opinion called for a rethinking of relations with Cuba. Finally, from a leadership perspective, Obama's proactive and inclusive character has led him to adopt a moderate policy toward Cuba; domestic policy gridlock, such as health reform, has allowed him to pursue a diplomatic breakthrough and a political legacy. Through the analysis, it is concluded that internal factors are the primary factors for the Obama administration to re-establish diplomatic relations with Cuba.
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