本文选题:丹麦 + 欧洲一体化 ; 参考:《北京外国语大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Denmark, as a developed country in Northern Europe and one of EU member countries, has its special role in the EU. Although Denmark is a member of the European Union, it is not a member of the euro zone and does not participate in European integration cooperation in other key areas, including cooperation in the unified defence of the European Union or in judicial and internal affairs. Do not recognize its citizens of the EU citizenship, etc. This is largely due to the 1992 referendum on the Maastricht Treaty, which was rejected by the Danish people, leading Denmark to a "special" EU path. The research object of this paper is the Danish national referendum in the process of European integration, that is, the referendum held by Denmark in the process of joining the European Union and participating in the affairs of the European Union. The main purpose of analyzing the history of Denmark's participation in European integration from the perspective of the referendum is to fully understand Denmark's role in the European integration process. It is of great significance to understand Denmark's relations with Europe and the current situation of EU development. In the course of the study, the eight referendums in the history of Denmark's participation in the European integration process were classified into three periods: the period of the European Community, the period of transition from the European Community to the European Union and the period of the enlargement of the European Union, respectively from foreign and domestic political backgrounds. The result analysis, influence and so on carries on the analysis research to the three periods of referendum, among which the emphasis is the study of the transition period from the European Union to the European Union, that is, the two referendums in 1992 and 1993. This article mainly uses the literature analysis, the historical analysis and the case analysis research method. The research is innovative, because the study of Denmark as the main body of research is relatively rare, and there is no research from the perspective of referendums. Denmark's role in the European Union has its particularity, so Denmark's European integration process has certain research value. After analysis and research, this paper summarizes the problems reflected in the EU referendum in Denmark. First, the outcome of the referendum is closely linked to the domestic political environment. Second, because there is a fundamental contradiction between the meritocracy of European integration and the widespread democracy of referendums, the outcome of referendums often diverges with the attitudes of governments and political parties. Third, referendums can also be seen as a political means for governments to avoid political risks in participating in EU affairs. Some characteristics of Denmark's participation in the process of European integration can also be summed up through research. First of all, when Denmark joined the European Community, its original intention was to pursue economic interests, which led the Danish people to think for a long time that the EC and the European Union were still purely economic organizations. The political background and purpose of the establishment of the European Community and the European Union were ignored. Second, the Danish government is aggressive and conservative in its participation in the EU, which is full of contradictions and complexities. Third, it is difficult for the government to maintain a single and stable policy towards Europe because of the variety of political parties and the high degree of democracy in political decision-making. Finally, as the EU faces more problems and challenges, Eurosceptic parties' support among the Danish public continues to rise, reflecting the growing sentiment among the Danish public.
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