本文选题:街道社区 + 网格化管理 ; 参考:《内蒙古农业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the party proposed to innovate the social governance system, take the grid management, the social service as the direction, and improve the grass-roots comprehensive service management platform. As an inevitable product of the economic and social development, the community has undertaken the basic functions of the party and the government to provide public service to the people, innovation of the social management system, and the promotion of public service. With the gradual improvement of the socialist market economic system and the orderly promotion of the transformation of the government's functions to the service type, the functions of the community in the social management service have been strengthened continuously, and a large number of social management and administrative functions have been undertaken. It can be said that the community is satisfied with the broad masses of people. People increasingly rich material and spiritual needs of the social space, but also an important carrier of material civilization and spiritual civilization, it is the first line of defense to maintain social stability. At the same time, China's rapid development of network information technology, various information platforms continue to expand capacity upgrade, in big data, "Internet plus" concept gradually spread Under the big background, community management is faced with unprecedented challenges and opportunities for development. On this basis, the S District of Baotou has gradually formed a close link between the point line and the extensive and comprehensive and innovative community grid management model. This study provides a beneficial supplement to the community reform and social governance innovation of other heavy industrial urban areas in China. This paper uses literature data analysis, typical case analysis, contrast analysis and field investigation, through the grid management of the S District of Baotou city. By analyzing and enumerating, this paper puts forward the outstanding problems of the street community grid management in the S District of Baotou city and analyzes its reasons, and then explores the practice of the advanced management model of the advanced areas in Beijing, Chaoyang District and Xuhui District, Beijing by comparing the advanced management experience of the foreign communities in the United States, Singapore, Japan and other countries, and explores the practice of the grid management model in the advanced regions of Dongcheng District, Chaoyang District and Xuhui District, Shanghai. In order to solve the problems in the grid management process of the street community in the S District of Baotou, and to put forward the improvement direction of the overall grid management of the S district. However, because the location of the S area itself is the heavy industrial city, the related community management laws and regulations and mechanisms are still not perfected, and its community grid management mode still has a great exploration space. As a result, the impact of the current situation of heavy industrial urban area, the fighting power of the grid management professional force is not strong, the enthusiasm of the managers actively participating in the grid management interaction is not fully mobilized, the construction of the information platform is not perfect, the coverage rate of the information system is not high, and the overall effectiveness of the grid management work force as a whole is not high. After analyzing the current situation of grid management in S area, it is found that the attribute of heavy industrial urban area has led to the problem of community grid management. The difficulty of the basic literacy of the managers and the matching of Posts leads to the poor fighting power of the grid management professional force, and the rewards and punishment mechanism can lead the management to participate in the grid management interaction. Enthusiasm is difficult to be fully mobilized; the lack of community funding guarantee leads to the imperfect construction of information platform and the low coverage of information system; the overall effectiveness of the community grid management work as a whole is not high due to the lack of relevant system support and data sharing barriers. The original problem of the grid management of street communities in the S District of Baotou city is the original. In the light of the experience of advanced community management at home and abroad, this paper puts forward a solution to the current problems of the grid management of street communities in the heavy industrial urban area of S District, to enhance the ladder training of professional talents, to strengthen the incentive, supervision, reward and punishment, the construction of evaluation system, to improve the support system of community finance and administration, to improve the relevant policies and regulations, to cultivate and give full play to the NGO group. In this paper, the grid management of the street community in the S District of Baotou is the inevitable way to achieve the maximum effect of community governance under the new normal condition.
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