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发布时间:2018-06-10 03:01

  本文选题:社区治理 + 撤村并居 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the pilot project of "land increase or decrease link", the main form of developing new rural construction in many places in our country has been to remove villages and live together, aiming at promoting villagers' centralized residence, centralized use of land, and rational distribution of industries. Centralized sharing of resources to achieve greater results in rural governance. In the course of this work, some places push too fast, bring contradictions, some integration is difficult, merger is a mere formality. The purpose of this paper is how to find out the key factors, how to remove villages and live together according to local conditions, and how to scientifically and reasonably promote community governance. In this paper, we select L city, which has a high promotion rate, to carry out qualitative research on the situation of merged communities in 2016 in L city, and select 22 communities that have been merged in order to carry out a questionnaire survey and carry out quantitative analysis. Through the analysis of the changes of the elements of community governance before and after the merger, the evaluation of the villagers' satisfaction with the various governance elements, the shortcomings of the community amalgamation work are found out, and the index of the "land integration degree" of the community is explored. This paper analyzes the relationship between the land integration degree of community and the optimization of governance factors, the satisfaction degree of villagers, and the relationship between the degree of land integration and the effect of community merger, and points out that there are no areas where community merger is promoted, and the relationship between the degree of land integration and the effect of community integration is discussed. Provide the reference index to promote the community amalgamation. The results show that the combination of community governance mixed ups and downs: first, the distribution of community governance resources is uneven, in the provision of public service places, supporting service facilities, hydropower road medical music and other resources exist imbalance; Second, the main bodies of community governance are obviously optimized, the number of the two committees of the community is reduced, the proportion of the three top three strong personnel is increased, and the participation model of multiple subjects is gradually formed; third, the difficult problem of community integration is still prominent, the integration of assets and funds is difficult, and the merger is unable to work together; Fourth, the villagers to the community public resources supply requirements to further enhance. In terms of the correlation between land integration degree and community governance effect, there is a high positive correlation between community land integration degree and the optimization degree of each governance resource in community governance. It is suggested that the governance effect of the merged community should be improved from the following aspects: first, for the merged communities, the supply of community public resources should be enhanced, the integration of the three capital of the community should be quickened, the development of community industries should be accelerated, and the use of land should be quickened. Overall planning and promotion. The other is that for the unmerged rural communities, the "land integration degree" has a higher correlation with the effectiveness of community governance, which can be better predicted, and for communities with low predictability and satisfaction, You can wait until the rate of land consolidation increases before merging. Third, for the low or weak correlation factors in the degree of land integration, we should do a good job in the work of community merger or community governance.


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