[Abstract]:Since the 21 st century, the aging trend of population in China has been accelerating, and the pension problem is becoming more and more serious. With the gradual weakening of the family pension function, the traditional family pension model has not been able to meet the needs of social development. How to solve this problem has become a common concern of the country and society. Looking at the global development trend, it is a breakthrough and an important way to solve this problem by taking positive measures to promote the construction and development of the social pension service industry. China is a country that is "old before it is rich". At this stage, relying solely on the strength of the state or individuals cannot solve the serious problem of providing for the aged at present. As a new type of old-age care system, private pension institutions, In the construction of China's social pension service system has played an important supplementary role. On the basis of field investigation and interviews, this paper analyzes the current situation of the development of private pension institutions and the concrete problems existing in reality through a case study of several pension institutions in Wuhu City. And further discussed the development of private pension institutions to improve the relevant countermeasures. The full text is divided into five parts: the introduction part mainly describes the research background and research significance, introduces the related concepts, carries on the literature review, and explains the research method, the research content and the research innovation. The second chapter mainly introduces the development of private pension institutions in Wuhu, the background of the development and macro policy environment of private pension institutions in Wuhu. On the basis of field investigation, this paper systematically introduces the development status of private pension institutions in Wuhu. Respectively from the number of private pension institutions, spatial distribution, the establishment of the background and development of the context, infrastructure, operational analysis of five aspects. The third chapter analyzes the achievements of the development of private pension institutions in Wuhu city, and analyzes the problems existing in the development of private pension institutions. The study found that the policy development environment, infrastructure and overall development trend of private pension institutions in Wuhu City are good, but there are also shortage of funds, different construction levels, backward management concepts, lack of professionals and small scale. The policy is not perfect, lacks the profession standard and so on question. On the basis of analyzing the current situation of the development of private pension institutions in foreign countries and other regions in China, the fourth chapter sums up the advanced development experience and summarizes the development countermeasures of private pension institutions in Wuhu City. The internal aspects include internal management, personnel quality, business philosophy, external aspects including multi-capital support, policy support, legal protection and industry regulatory system, the development of non-profit organizations. The conclusion part points out the deficiency of the article and the direction of the later research.
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