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发布时间:2018-09-07 13:22
[Abstract]:This is an unprecedented peak in the history of our country, and the trend of growth will always be maintained in the next 20 years. More than 120 million elderly people hope to share the fruits of social development. However, industrialization, informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization coexist in different forms of economic and social development caused by the realistic environment. The "information gap" between the elderly and society hinders the effective use of social resources and services by the elderly. To eliminate the "information gap" between the elderly and society and effectively meet their needs for life and development, it is necessary to clarify the information needs and service status of the elderly. The first chapter introduces the research background of the subject area, points out the research significance, defines the research object, defines the related concepts, analyzes and comments the research status in this field, and then puts forward the research questions, research ideas, research methods and creation of this paper. In the second chapter, the author sorts out the relevant theoretical basis of the information needs and services of the urban elderly, analyzes the theoretical support of the theory of social construction, social support and isolation, circular life and other gerontological theories, Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory for the study of the information needs of the urban elderly; the theory of assimilation, the spiral of silence. In the third chapter, through small-scale personal interviews and large-scale questionnaires, the status quo of the elderly's information needs is revealed. The information needs of the elderly are analyzed. The specific content, characteristics, influencing factors of information demand, and the way to meet the different levels of information needs of the elderly and the degree of satisfaction are studied to lay the foundation for future information service research. This paper probes into the present situation of the elderly's information service from five aspects: service, network information service, service organization for the aged and other relevant organizations'information service. There is a big gap between the demand for information. From the point of view of the service provided by literature information, the free literature information service of public libraries has some problems, such as the aging of books, the improper updating of Library collections, and the poor accessibility; the large circulation of Party newspapers and urban newspapers lack of coverage of the elderly; the elderly professional newspapers because of their own monotonous and external content. In the aspect of network information service, the reliability of the information content of the elderly portal website sponsored by the government department is higher, and the information content of the elderly website of the non-governmental department is uneven with the overall construction level. Collect the information of the aged group and transmit the suggestions of the aged work to the relevant departments in the form of documents. The latter mainly provides the knowledge-imparting service and the place of information exchange for the aged. The home-based pension information service center provides the information intermediary services such as ordering, housekeeping and property maintenance for the aged. The public welfare project for the elderly sponsored by a third party organization provides information services on medical care, mental health and the use of information tools for the elderly. This paper analyzes the objectives and principles of the organization of information resources for the elderly, and expounds the focal points of the organization of information resources from three aspects: paying attention to the construction of thematic databases, carrying out the organization of diversified information resources and strengthening the network information services. Based on the analysis and investigation, this paper discusses the construction of the information service guarantee system for the urban elderly in China. The information service guarantee system for the urban elderly includes two parts: the information service guarantee system and the operation mechanism of the information service system. The construction of urban elderly information service security system includes information infrastructure construction and information service subject construction, and the information service security mechanism includes three major mechanisms: government, market and group. And contribution, and explain the shortage of research and the direction of future research.


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