[Abstract]:Community autonomy is a kind of grass-roots management method for urban residents to participate in and deal with the public affairs of their communities according to law. In theory, the main body of community autonomy should be composed of all the residents living in the community, but not all the community residents are actively involved in the autonomous management activities in real life. The marginal subject of community autonomy refers to those community residents who have little or no influence of their own or other factors. Some data show that the marginal subject accounts for a large proportion of the residents in most urban communities at present, and the existence of this group directly hinders the further development of the construction of community autonomy. The reason for this phenomenon is not only the lack of the participation consciousness of the marginal subjects themselves, but also the lack of the community autonomy system, which is dominated by the residents' committees. Therefore, at the institutional level, the only way to change the traditional working methods and management concepts of residents' committees is to speed up institutional innovation, enhance the vitality of grass-roots organizations, and actively broaden the forms and ways for residents to participate in community management. The problem of marginal subject can be solved effectively.
【作者单位】: 山东大学哲学与社会发展学院;
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