发布时间:2018-09-18 22:01
【摘要】:2012年11月8日在党的第十八次全国代表大会中生态文明建设被放在了更加突出的位置,并上升到国家战略的高度,,在之后的十八届三中全会上,中央针对生态文明建设进一步提出要加快生态文明制度建设,以确保生态文明的顺利实现。纵观中国特色社会主义发展的30多年,生态文明的出现并不是一个偶然的现象,它不仅贯穿于中国特色社会主义发展的全过程,而且也是中国特色社会主义发展的必然选择。 生态文明的出现就是要迫切解决两个方面的问题,其一就是如何实现人与自然和谐式的发展,其二就是如何优化人类的整体社会关系并最终实现共同富裕。而中国特色社会主义在这30多年的发展过程中,所解决的也正是这两个方面的问题。因此,生态文明的研究视角不仅是解读中国特色社会主义的钥匙,生态文明的战略选择更是推进中国特色社会主义继续向前发展的必由之路。 中国特色社会主义发展道路中的生态环境问题及其解决、中国特色社会主义理论中蕴含的生态文明要素、中国特色社会主义制度体系包含的生态文明制度内涵等三个层次证明生态文明与中国特色社会主义二者之间具有一致的逻辑意涵。理论和实践证明,中国特色社会主义的发展与完善离不开生态文明的建设与实现,生态文明内嵌于中国特色社会主义道路、理论和制度体系中。中共十八大上首次提出“五位一体”的发展战略,把生态文明建设列入中国特色社会主义总布局中。这是历史发展的必然。事实上,在“五位一体”发展战略中,生态文明建设不只是中国特色社会主义事业这“一体”中简单的重要一极,也与政治建设、经济建设、文化建设、社会建设这其他“四位”具有同等重要的密切关系。 中国特色社会主义的伟大事业正经历着与资本主义竞相发展的局面。而国外生态马克思主义学者已经反复证明,资本主义具有天然的反生态性。既然资本主义发展模式饱受世人的诟病,那么,人们有理由期待,中国特色社会主义生态文明建设的最终成功,必将破解人类发展模式的困境,而中国特色社会主义也必将因此而彰显无可比拟的优越性。
[Abstract]:On November 8, 2012, at the 18th National Congress of the Party, the construction of ecological civilization was placed in a more prominent position and rose to the height of the national strategy. After that, at the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, According to the construction of ecological civilization, the central government further puts forward that the construction of ecological civilization system should be accelerated to ensure the smooth realization of ecological civilization. During the 30 years of development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the emergence of ecological civilization is not only an accidental phenomenon, but also an inevitable choice for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which runs through the whole process of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The emergence of ecological civilization is to solve two urgent problems, one is how to achieve the harmonious development of man and nature, the other is how to optimize the overall social relations of mankind and ultimately achieve common prosperity. In the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics for more than 30 years, it is precisely these two problems that have been solved. Therefore, the research angle of ecological civilization is not only the key to unscramble socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also the only way to push forward the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The ecological environment problem and its solution in the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the elements of ecological civilization contained in the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, The connotation of ecological civilization system contained in the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics proves that there is a logical meaning between ecological civilization and socialism with Chinese characteristics. The theory and practice prove that the development and perfection of socialism with Chinese characteristics can not be separated from the construction and realization of ecological civilization, which is embedded in the socialist road, theory and system with Chinese characteristics. The development strategy of "five in one" was put forward for the first time at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the construction of ecological civilization was included in the general layout of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This is the inevitable development of history. In fact, in the "five-in-one" development strategy, the construction of ecological civilization is not only a simple and important pole in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also related to political construction, economic construction, and cultural construction. Social construction, the other "four" has an equally important close relationship. The great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics is experiencing the development of capitalism. Foreign ecological Marxism scholars have repeatedly proved that capitalism has a natural anti-ecological. Since the capitalist development model has been criticized by the world, people have reason to expect that the ultimate success of the construction of the ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics will certainly solve the plight of the human development model. And socialism with Chinese characteristics will show incomparable superiority.
[Abstract]:On November 8, 2012, at the 18th National Congress of the Party, the construction of ecological civilization was placed in a more prominent position and rose to the height of the national strategy. After that, at the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, According to the construction of ecological civilization, the central government further puts forward that the construction of ecological civilization system should be accelerated to ensure the smooth realization of ecological civilization. During the 30 years of development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the emergence of ecological civilization is not only an accidental phenomenon, but also an inevitable choice for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which runs through the whole process of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The emergence of ecological civilization is to solve two urgent problems, one is how to achieve the harmonious development of man and nature, the other is how to optimize the overall social relations of mankind and ultimately achieve common prosperity. In the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics for more than 30 years, it is precisely these two problems that have been solved. Therefore, the research angle of ecological civilization is not only the key to unscramble socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also the only way to push forward the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The ecological environment problem and its solution in the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the elements of ecological civilization contained in the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, The connotation of ecological civilization system contained in the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics proves that there is a logical meaning between ecological civilization and socialism with Chinese characteristics. The theory and practice prove that the development and perfection of socialism with Chinese characteristics can not be separated from the construction and realization of ecological civilization, which is embedded in the socialist road, theory and system with Chinese characteristics. The development strategy of "five in one" was put forward for the first time at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the construction of ecological civilization was included in the general layout of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This is the inevitable development of history. In fact, in the "five-in-one" development strategy, the construction of ecological civilization is not only a simple and important pole in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also related to political construction, economic construction, and cultural construction. Social construction, the other "four" has an equally important close relationship. The great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics is experiencing the development of capitalism. Foreign ecological Marxism scholars have repeatedly proved that capitalism has a natural anti-ecological. Since the capitalist development model has been criticized by the world, people have reason to expect that the ultimate success of the construction of the ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics will certainly solve the plight of the human development model. And socialism with Chinese characteristics will show incomparable superiority.
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