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发布时间:2018-10-15 10:51
[Abstract]:The aging of the population is a global development trend. In the primary stage of socialism, our country ushered in the rapid aging of the population. The family structure of "4 / 21" has arrived, and there are more and more "empty nesters" with no children around. The current national conditions and national strength cannot cope with the heavy burden of the aging demand, and the problem of the aged has become more and more obvious and threatening the global development. The current situation of institutional old-age care can not meet the current needs of the elderly, and it is difficult for the family to take care of the elderly, and the community is the most important and ideal place of activities and communication space for the elderly in their old age. Community pension, supported by community service, has become a new form of old-age support, which is increasingly welcomed by the elderly and widely concerned by the society. It is a systematic engineering and significant to study the construction of community pension system. It can not only promote the development of community pension system theory, but also guide the practice. Based on the background of aging population in China, this paper focuses on the relevant theoretical basis of community old-age care, taking the present situation of community pension system in Longwan as the research object, using literature research method, field investigation method and comparative analysis method. It is found that the community pension is the most suitable for the present situation of the aged in Longwan area, and it is urgent and important duty for the government to explore the establishment of an effective community pension system. This paper uses a large number of data to display in detail the remarkable results achieved in the construction of the current community pension system in Longwan District, enumerates some important problems that affect the construction of the community pension system, and combines the current economic and social development situation of the Longwan area. This paper analyzes the current situation and predicament of the elderly's demand and community supply and service, and analyzes the feasibility of carrying out the community old-age care system construction in Longwan area, and explores the future construction mode and development direction of the community old-age care system construction in Longwan area. Learn from the advanced experience of the community pension system model at home and abroad, and put forward the idea of constructing a diversified community pension system, which is guided by the government, participated by the whole society, and conforms to the actual situation of the district. To give full play to the unique role and potential of the community pension system in the economic and social system of the Longwan area, to truly enable the elderly to share the fruits of social development, and to realize "a sense of security for the elderly, a sense of living for the elderly, treatment for the elderly, joy for the elderly," Let all people in Longwan District, especially the elderly, enjoy the dividend of life brought by economic and social development.


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