[Abstract]:Mixed violence often occurs in the field of expropriation and relocation. Mixed violence resources not only become its own unique endowment, but also become tradable and marketable market resources. Mixed violence marketization is more a problem of government vacancy than offside. In order to avoid administrative risks and withdraw from the line of requisition and relocation, local governments contract business to developers and companies, leaving all social entities to negotiate on their own, in the absence of government supervision, In order to gain more land value-added benefits, both companies and tenants may choose to invoke mixed violence to exert pressure on each other, and the game of expropriation and relocation is disorderly. In order to resolve the conflict of expropriation and relocation, we should strengthen the monitoring of all kinds of violence, instead of simply giving up the responsibility of the government and leaving it to the main body of the society to intervene. We should define the government violence and the private violence according to the judicial organs. At the same time, through grass-roots democratic consultation, the demands of both sides will be brought into the legal, procedural track.
【作者单位】: 福建社会科学院社会学所;
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