[Abstract]:The governments and academics of China and the United States have different views on whether or not there is a competition for dominance in the Asia-Pacific region. The United States is very concerned about the leading power in the Asia-Pacific region, and believes that the competition between the two countries has a strong structural exertion, which is mainly related to the structural power conflict between China and the United States. China, on the other hand, seeks to avoid competition for dominance. But China-America-Asia-Pacific dominance competition is more dependent on the United States and difficult to shift China's unilateral will. Although China and the United States do not want to compete for the leading power in the Asia-Pacific region, the strong sense of hegemony and distrust of China in the United States have pushed China and the United States into a dilemma of leading power competition between China and the United States. There are three main reasons for the dominant power competition between China and the United States in the Asia-Pacific region: power transfer, rule competition and policy interaction. The main content of competition involves economic competition, security competition and friend competition, as well as bilateral relations. Both the regional situation and the global pattern have far-reaching implications. The key to resolving the Asia-Pacific dominance competition between China and the United States lies in whether China and the United States can reach a consensus on the sharing of dominance. The competition for leading power in the Asia-Pacific region between China and the United States does not necessarily lead to the continued deterioration of relations between the two countries. There are many ways to resolve this problem through "promoting cooperation through competition," including the building of a community, coordination of major powers, and joint leadership. And from "big country coordination" to "co-leadership" is most likely.
【作者单位】: 外交学院国际关系研究所;
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