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发布时间:2018-11-04 18:05
[Abstract]:The commemoration activities of the Communist Party of China are planned, initiated and implemented by the Communist Party of China and various organizations under its leadership. According to the difference between the objects and the scale of the memorial, the major commemorative activities initiated or advocated by the Communist Party of China can be divided into three categories: the commemoration of major festivals, the remembrance of great people, and the commemoration of major historical events. Since the new century, the CPC has led and launched major festivals, including the founding of the Party on 1 July, the commemoration of the National Day on the 11th, and the commemoration of great figures, including the birthday anniversary of Sun Zhongshan, Mao Zedong, and Deng Xiaoping. Major historical events include the 1911 Revolution, the May 4th Movement, and the third Plenary session of the Eleventh Central Committee. Among them, "every five every ten hundred" the commemoration of the most grand. Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has been a party guided by Marxism. However, this does not mean that the direct use of Marxism can solve the problems in the process of Chinese revolution, construction and reform. Marxism can only be combined with China's specific reality and characteristics of the times, and in the process of solving new problems arising from practice, new ideas, new ideas and new methods have been constantly born and developed along with the development of the times. It is understood and mastered by the broad masses of the people and becomes the ideological weapon of the masses and then transformed into a powerful material force so that it can play its due role in practice. This is Marxism in China, the times, popular. Although the connotation of Marxism in China is different from each other, it is interrelated and complementary, and it is essentially the same thing, which combines the basic principles of Marxism with the concrete reality of China. The integration of Marxism in China, times and popularization is the decisive factor leading the development and progress of China. It is the important strategic task that the Party always faces to push forward Marxism's "three modernizations". There are many ways and means for the Communist Party of China to promote the popularization of Marxism in China. The commemoration of the major festival has deepened the understanding of Marxism, enriched and developed Marxism on the nature of the Party, its purpose, the construction of its advanced nature, the building of its governing ability, the theory of the state, and so on, corrected its mistakes and liberated its thinking. And for the further promotion of Marxism in the era of popularization of China to create conditions. The activities of commemorating great people highlight the outstanding contributions of great men, deepen the main body understanding of the popularization of Marxism in China, show the noble character of great men, and strengthen the spiritual power to promote the popularization of Marxism in China. Reflecting the scientific ideas of great men, it provides the guidance of the popularization of Marxism in China. The commemoration of important historical events is not only helpful to understand the necessity and necessary condition of the popularization of Marxism in China, but also helpful to grasp the historical node of Marxism in China. The Party's major commemorative activities have powerfully promoted the popularization of Marxism in China. At the same time, the popularization of Marxism in China has enhanced and enhanced the significance and effect of the commemoration activities of the Communist Party of China. The two move forward in interaction.


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