[Abstract]:At present, our country is in the critical period of social transformation, the urban community management system is also undergoing profound changes and adjustments, urban community governance has encountered many new situations, new problems. Under the situation that the influence of the old system has not been completely eliminated and the new system has not been established, the contradictions encountered by the social management have become increasingly intense and sharp, which has seriously restricted the social and economic development of our country. In this regard, the current urban community governance system must speed up the pace of reform and development. This article takes Jinjiang City as the research object, carries on the thorough research to its community management. Firstly, the present situation of Jinjiang community management is investigated and analyzed, and the problems of Jinjiang community management are pointed out. Secondly, analyze the causes of the problems in Jinjiang community management. Thirdly, expound the experience of urban community management at home and abroad and its reference significance to Jinjiang community management. Finally, put forward the Jinjiang city community management perfect countermeasure. It mainly includes the following aspects: perfecting the community management system; strengthening the construction of social work professionals; promoting the enthusiasm of residents to participate in community governance; cultivating and developing community non-profit organizations; perfecting community service system. This article takes Jinjiang community as an example to carry on the demonstration analysis, proposes the Jinjiang city community management consummation countermeasure, provides the beneficial reference for our country other local community management research, has the certain realistic significance and the application value.
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