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发布时间:2018-11-24 21:03
[Abstract]:Under the background of aging, the silver wave is sweeping the whole world, and the problem of elderly care service is serious and prominent, especially for the disabled elderly. As the country with the largest number of elderly people in the world, China faces a more severe situation, coupled with the imbalance in economic development and the unsound social security system. The problem of disabled care for the elderly is becoming a public problem that needs to be solved. According to the experience of foreign countries, the establishment of long-term care service system is an effective means to solve the problem of care service for the disabled elderly. However, China has not yet established a long-term care service system adapted to the care needs of the disabled elderly, and the care services for the disabled elderly have been scattered in the family, community and pension institutions. Because of their own particularity, the disabled elderly have a high degree of external dependence. With the miniaturization of the family structure, the employment of their children and the separation of their parents from their children, the maintenance function of the family is weakening day by day. Pension service function is not perfect, disabled elderly people are very difficult to obtain high quality care services. Pension institutions have become the best choice for disabled elderly care services because of their specialized and comprehensive elderly services. In China, where there are many disabled people, it is an important way to solve the problem of long-term care service for the disabled elderly by setting up care service for disabled elderly institutions. The construction of institutional care service system is to meet the needs of disabled elderly care as the starting point, in order to better understand the needs of the disabled elderly care needs, solve their elderly service problems, This paper is based on the research group of "multiple needs Analysis and long-term Care Service system Construction for disabled elderly in China". First of all, through the combination of questionnaires and field interviews, this paper investigates the demand for care, service supply and other related aspects of institutions for the disabled elderly, and on the basis of relevant theories. Through the analysis of the willingness of the disabled elderly to choose institutional care, the content of institutional care, the ability to pay, the needs of personnel, and the standardization of service, the needs of care services in institutions for the disabled are analyzed. Secondly, on the basis of defining the needs of care for disabled elderly institutions, it contrasts the service supply of pension institutions. The research shows that the service supply and care demand of disabled elderly institutions in our country are still asymmetric, the institutional service supply is insufficient in quantity, the service item is simple, the service cost is high, and the nursing staff is short. Insufficient standardization of services. The main reasons are the unconformity of endowment resources, the lack of overall layout, the inadequate development of institutions, the unclear orientation of service, the imperfect mechanism of institutional financing, the low salary and treatment of nursing personnel, and the lack of attraction of posts. The construction of relevant laws and regulations lags behind. Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions for constructing the service system of disabled elderly care: establishing a needs assessment mechanism, optimizing the allocation of resources, enriching the institutional service projects, improving the satisfaction of the elderly in institutions, perfecting the mechanism of raising funds, and establishing a personnel training mechanism. Improve the number and quality of personnel, improve laws and regulations, and improve the standardization of services.


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