[Abstract]:The financial problem concerns the national long-term stability, the social development and the people's livelihood happiness. The exertion of fiscal function is closely related to the effective operation of the government budget mechanism, and the key and guarantee of the effective operation of the government budget mechanism lies in the examination and supervision of the budget. The supervision mechanism of the NPC and its standing Committee's budget review plays an important role in the realization of the government budget function, but there are also some shortcomings at present. The improvement of the supervision mechanism of the NPC and its standing Committee's budget and final accounts examination can be based on five aspects: the evolution of the function-oriented budget system, the supervision mechanism of the NPC and its standing committee's budget examination and supervision based on the control of power, The budget examination and supervision mechanism of the people's Congress and its standing committee under the guidance of problems, the budget examination and supervision practice of the local people's Congress and its standing committee with innovative guidance, and the examination and supervision mechanism of the budget and final accounts of the people's Congress and its standing committee guided by governance. The regulation and restriction of the administrative power of budget itself means the strengthening of the supervision of the people's Congress, which is not only conducive to the examination and supervision of the government's budget and final accounts, but also fully reflects the organic unity of the leadership of the Party, the people as masters of their own affairs and the rule of law.
【作者单位】: 北京联合大学人大制度研究所;
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