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发布时间:2018-12-15 09:47
[Abstract]:Objective: to grasp the current situation of old-age service and old-age institutions, understand the problems existing in old-age care, and put forward the general idea of the development of social old-age service combined with medical care and support. It is envisaged that the social old-age service system should be constructed, which can provide policy advice for medical and nursing service, and provide scientific basis for scientific decision making. Methods: literature, interview and questionnaire were used to combine quantitative and qualitative methods. Research content: this paper discusses the background and significance of the research, expounds the ideas and methods of the article, combs the related problems of the aged at home and abroad, and analyzes the influencing factors of the social old-age service system, which is based on the combination of medical treatment and maintenance. This paper looks forward to the prospect of the development of the social old-age service combined with medical care and raises the main problems faced by the development of the medical and nursing combined pension institutions and analyzes the factors affecting the construction of the social old-age service system of the combination of medical and foster care. Conclusion: the combination of medical care and support is a new type of old-age service. At present, the combination of medical and nursing is in the primary stage, and the situation of the aged is rather severe. The government and all walks of life should attach great importance to it. It is necessary to construct a new system of medical and nursing service for the aged, make plans scientifically, increase propaganda and input, perfect the guarantee mechanism, innovate the service mode, and strengthen supervision and evaluation.


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