[Abstract]:In today's world, globalization is an objective process and an inevitable trend of development that does not depend on human will. In the era of globalization, developing countries face not only the problems of economic and social development, but also the reconstruction and promotion of "soft power", including national identity. For China, the largest developing country, consolidating and enhancing national identity, enhancing national cohesion, and realizing social integration are not only the spiritual basis for national political stability and economic and social development. Moreover, it is also a requirement for the country to realize modernization. National identity is an important national consciousness. Only when citizens clearly define their identity, internalize their close relationship with the state, and attribute themselves to the state from the bottom of their hearts, can they really care about the national interests. Consciously shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the state. Based on the status quo of contemporary China's national identity from the perspective of globalization, this paper analyzes and discusses its current situation, existing problems and causes on the basis of relevant literature and data. It also puts forward several effective ways to consolidate and promote the national identity of our citizens, the main purpose of which is to enhance our citizens' consciousness and firmness towards our national identity and play a role in consolidating and promoting our country's national identity. The full text is divided into four parts: the first part, the introduction part. This paper mainly expounds the background, purpose and significance of the research on national identity, the present research situation at home and abroad, the research methods and innovations of this paper. The second part is an introduction to national identity. This paper defines the concepts of identity and national identity, analyzes the nature of national identity and the relationship between national identity and political identity, ethnic identity and cultural identity, and summarizes the functions and manifestations of national identity. The third part, from the perspective of globalization, summarizes the current situation of China's national identity, analyzes the existing problems of China's national identity and its main causes, and provides a constructive basis for exploring ways to consolidate and promote the national identity of Chinese citizens. The fourth part analyzes how to strengthen and promote the national identity of our citizens from the aspects of economy, politics, culture and education.
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