[Abstract]:The Chinese government has a stable model for the governance of the grass-roots society, so-called "combination of control and self-government". In the Qing Dynasty, this model is embodied in the coexistence of the Baojia system and the local gentry and the clan self-government system; in the present time, it is embodied as the grid management and the self-government of the villagers (communities). The reason for the formation of this model is that the existing two main theoretical _ "On the limitation of the ability of official management" and "the theory of social risk" _ are not fully explained. In our view, the formation of the "combination of control and self-government" is the government's need to reduce the risk of the civil conflict, and also to control and eliminate the risk factors in the society, resulting in the result. Through the investigation of the reason of the formation of the "combination of control and self-government" of the basic society in the Qing Dynasty, and compared with the governance model of the contemporary grass-roots society, this paper provides the experience support for this view, and develops this view into a more general risk theory to explain the logic of the basic social governance.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学社会学系;浙江大学经济学院;
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