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发布时间:2018-01-12 12:02

  本文关键词:有关日本祭祀中动物神馔的研究 出处:《宁波大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 祭祀 动物神馔 供牺 人牲 神人共食

【摘要】:众所周知,在日本一年四季,全国各地都会纷纷举办各式各样的祭祀活动。祭祀中所供奉的神馔更是种类丰富,色彩斑斓,意味深远。神馔体现了各地不同的祭祀风俗,同时也反映了人们的神灵思想和饮食文化,因此,神馔文化被认为是日本民俗文化的代表,备受关注。中日学者在神馔方面已经取得一定的研究成果,但主要停留在现行神馔上,对古式神馔,特别是动物神馔的研究并不充分。本文基于前人研究成果对此进行一些探讨。 本文共有7章,可分为三大部分。第一部分是前言,即第1章,阐明了研究目的、前人研究成果、研究意义及全文提要。第二部分从第2章到第6章,是本文的核心内容。在全面阐述了祭祀和神馔的定义、种类、发展变迁及两者关系等概念的基础上,首先,从三河国的传说、诹访信仰中活的供品、冲绳的动物神馔这三方面论证了动物神馔的萌芽。其次,分析了牛、马、猪、鸡等家禽神馔和野猪、熊、鹿等野生动物神馔的具体形态。本文认为动物神馔的形态因时代背景和风俗习惯以及信仰的不同而不同,但祭祀的目的主要有防灾、丰收、祭慰神灵以及感谢等。同时,本文还探讨了另一个更为高级罕见的祭祀,即人牲。人牲把人作为供品,供奉给神灵,试图以牺牲个体获取共同体的利益,是一种残忍的不文明的祭祀。最后,本文结合现状和历史文化,从杀生罪孽观的渗透、从狩猎到农耕的转变,神人共食观的影响这三方面的论述了动物神馔逐步退出历史舞台的原因及过程。第三部分是后记,对全文进行了归纳总结,并提出今后的研究课题。 本文通过研究认为,与现行植物神馔不同,动物神馔是在狩猎信仰的影响下逐渐形成的,主要流行于非稻作文化地带。作为古式祭祀的核心内容,动物神馔体现了当时人们的生活情况和思想状态,它的存亡既是时代发展的产物,也是历史进步的必然。
[Abstract]:As we all know, in Japan throughout the year, all over the country will hold a variety of sacrificial activities. Food reflects the customs of sacrifice in different places, as well as people's divinity and food culture. Therefore, the sumptuous culture is considered to be the representative of Japanese folklore culture. Chinese and Japanese scholars have made some achievements in the field of God's food, but mainly stay on the current God's food, to the ancient style of God's food. In particular, the study of animal deity is not sufficient. This paper makes some research on it based on the previous research results. The first part is the preface, that is, chapter 1, which clarifies the purpose of the research, the previous research results, the significance of the research and the summary of the full text. The second part is from chapter 2 to chapter 6. It is the core content of this paper. On the basis of the definition, category, development change and relationship of sacrifice and deity, the author first of all, from the legend of Sanhe country, the living offering in Suwa worship. The three aspects of Okinawa's animal food demonstrate the germination of animal food. Secondly, the analysis of cattle, horses, pigs, chickens and other poultry food and wild boar, bear. This paper holds that the form of animal deity is different according to the background, customs and beliefs of the times, but the purpose of sacrifice is mainly disaster prevention and harvest. At the same time, this paper also discusses another more advanced rare sacrifice, that is, the human sacrifice. The human animal takes man as a sacrifice to the gods, trying to sacrifice the individual to gain the interests of the community. It is a cruel and uncivilized sacrifice. Finally, this paper combines the present situation and the history and culture, from the infiltration of the concept of killing and iniquity, from hunting to the transformation of farming. This paper discusses the reasons and process of the gradual withdrawal of animal deities from the historical stage. The third part is the postscript, summarizes the full text and puts forward the future research topics. In this paper, different from the current plant deity, animal deity is gradually formed under the influence of hunting belief, and it is mainly popular in non-rice culture zone, which is the core content of ancient sacrificial worship. Animal deity reflects the living conditions and ideological state of people at that time, its existence and death is not only the product of the development of the times, but also the necessity of historical progress.


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