[Abstract]:Since the twentieth century, the management of the national public sector has changed (Owen. E. Hughes 2002). This shift has occurred not only in the Western world, but also in many developing countries in Africa and Asia. In this era of globalization, democratization and integration, traditional and bureaucratic modes of public administration are inefficient in assuming new responsibilities in the public administration sector. The new public management model can promote the efficiency and efficiency of public management departments. The new public management is a kind of management idea used by the western governments in order to modernize and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the public management departments since the 1980s. It has become a concept widely used by member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to illustrate the overall trend of certain features of administrative reform. And most international organizations try to combine the concept of new public management with the actual situation on the ground, and make concrete analysis of the specific problems. The implementation of the new public relations management in Sierra Leone and other African countries will face many challenges, such as political instability, the vacillation of the law, the lack of political structure and the acceptability of political leaders and people to the new public management. This paper puts forward the measures and countermeasures to face these challenges.
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