[Abstract]:The western theory of "deliberative democracy" began in the 1980s, in order to respond to the challenges faced by Western societies and to solve the plight of representative electoral democracy, especially in the various conflicts hidden in multicultural societies, as well as in race and culture. It is difficult for groups to participate equally and effectively in public decision-making. Consultative democracy emphasizes the equal participation of citizens in the formulation of public policy, the free expression of the views of the individual and the listening to the views of others, through full discussion and communication, In order to achieve a consensus that respects the views of the majority without neglecting the interests of the minority. Western deliberative democracy is an in-depth reflection on the essence of democracy, a revision to the development of representative democracy in the contemporary democratic political system, and a new development of democratic theory in the contemporary era. Although the theory of "deliberative democracy" has arisen and developed in the West, the thought and practice of deliberative democracy have already existed in the political development course of modern China. China's deliberative democracy and its system are the product of specific historical background and social conditions. They were conceived in the Chinese revolution, formed in the process of consultation and nation-building, and developed in the practice of socialist construction. The deliberative democracy is the co-creation of the Communist Party of China and the democratic parties, is the inevitable choice of the development of China's modern society, and is an important form of realizing socialist democracy. China's deliberative democracy not only embodies the excellent cultural tradition of the Chinese nation, but also meets the essential requirements of socialist democratic politics and plays a unique and irreplaceable role. The practice of people's democracy has formed a profound internal requirement for the development of China's consultative democracy, which is embodied in the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the platform for the continuous development and perfection of the people's political Consultative Conference. As a form of democracy adapted to the social conditions of China, deliberative democracy provides democratic resources for the construction of modern countries, promotes the process of democratization in China, and is a necessary means to build a harmonious society. This paper summarizes the background, theoretical basis, political function and practical form of Chinese and Western deliberative democracy, compares the similarities and differences between the two, and analyzes the enlightenment brought by western deliberative democracy. Furthermore, the development value and perfect path of China's deliberative democracy are further discussed.
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