发布时间:2018-01-02 09:02
本文关键词:汶泗河流域商和西周青铜器研究 出处:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:汶泗河流域包括鲁中和鲁南大部分地区,是山东地区较早的古文明发现地。考古发现证明,流域内北辛文化—大汶口文化—龙山文化—岳石文化—商周文化依次传承。该流域向东隔泰沂山区进入夷人控制范围;向西地势平坦,直接与中原王朝相连;依靠泗水连通的“四渎”,沟通了江浙地区和鲁北地区,形成了一个文化交融之地。殷墟卜辞中有记载商王征人方事件,《春秋》、《左传》、《逸周书》等早期文献多有记载周公、成王对汶泗河流域内方国的征讨,中原文化和东夷文化在此地激烈地碰撞。汶泗河流域青铜器与中原地区青铜器相似的同时也保留了自己的特点,构筑汶泗河流域商周时期青铜器演变框架显得尤为重要。 本文首先对汶泗河流域建国以后商和西周青铜器资料进行全面地搜集,并进行类型学分析和分期断代,建立起区内各种青铜器的演化序列。对流域内所出现的族属、国别进行探讨,并对青铜器所反映的一些相关问题进行研究。 全文共分为七部分: 第一章,绪论。介绍汶泗河流域自然地理环境与历史沿革,确定研究的时空范围。对本地区商和西周青铜器研究现状以及本文的研究目的、方法等方面进行简述。 第二章,汶泗河流域青铜器的类型分析。流域内出土的商和西周时期青铜器按其用途分为食器、酒器、水器、乐器、兵器五类,并对每一类中的各个器型逐一进行类型学分析,总结每一个器型的演变规律,以了解流域内青铜器发展演变。 第三章,汶泗河流域青铜器的分期与年代。在类型学分析的基础上把青铜器分为五期十段。一期为一、二段,相当于中商时期;二期为三段,相当于殷墟三期;三期为四、五、六段,相当于殷墟四期到西周早期;四期为七段,相当于西周中期偏早;五期为八、九、十段,相当于西周中期偏晚到西周晚期。 第四章,汶泗河流域青铜器的组合研究。本章对各时期青铜器的组合形式进行分析研究。与同时期商周青铜器组合进行对比研究,发现商到西周早期时,本地以商式器物组合为主,西周中期之后以姬周组合方式为主,也有本地组合特点。对流域内族属间器物组合进行对比研究,发现族属间青铜器组合存在差异。 第五章,汶泗河流域青铜器铭文及其族属、国别探讨。汶泗流域内所见到的族属有史族、鸟族、子族、佷族、馘族、戈族、(?)族、举族、未族、(?)族、施氏、虺族、(?)族、爻族、眉族、月族、目夷族、熊族、索族、(?)族、宁族,并简述存在于此的可能性。经过分析笔者认为,史族、鸟族、目夷族和熊族应为本地族属;子族、馘族、戈族、爻族、眉族、索族、(?)族、宁族和施氏应是外来族属;佷族、举族、未族、(?)族和(?)族器物不涉及族属迁移,其器物的出现应和战争掠夺、姻亲等因素有关;另外还有月族、虺族和(?)族存疑,其是否能成为族属值得商榷。该流域通过青铜器铭文可见的西周时期诸侯国有鲁国、滕国、邾国、杞国,结合文献可知,该地区应是以鲁国为中心。 第六章,简论前掌大墓地。经过对前掌大墓地陶器以及青铜器的对比研究,笔者认为前掌大墓地以商文化为主导,包含本地文化、姬周文化、东夷文化、南方文化等因素。从前掌大墓地在墓葬形制、墓葬排列方式、族属差别以及墓区之间存在的空白地带等方面来看,前掌大墓地应该存在不同的族墓地。前掌大墓地中的“于屯”村北墓地应是一个以鸟族为主多个族属共用的墓地,是南Ⅰ区史族墓地的从属墓地。前掌大墓地女性用兵现象普遍,随葬兵器的女性墓葬都是本地的史族和鸟族,且女性用兵的阶层从高级贵族到平民皆有,不似殷墟地区仅有中高级贵族妇女用兵。据此可见,本地应存在女性普遍参军的可能。 第七章,相关问题探讨。经过对汶泗河流域青铜器的对比研究,笔者认为汶泗河流域的青铜器以商文化为主导,杂揉姬周、本地、融合文化等因素。结合不同时期陶器以及青铜器出现的规律,笔者认为晚商早段商文化在汶泗河流域出现退却,笔者认为应是当时商王朝面临西北边患、荆楚矿藏、战略放弃、夷人反扑等多种原因所导致。
[Abstract]:Wensi river basin includes most areas in ancient civilization and Lunan, earlier found in Shandong region. Archaeological discoveries have proved that the basin North Xin culture, Dawenkou Culture, Longshan culture and Yueshi culture - - Shang and Zhou Culture in inheritance. The basin to the east across the Thai Yishan area into the Yi West flat, control; directly connected with the central plains; rely on Surabaya connected "four ditch", the Jiangsu and Shandong communication, forming a cultural blending land. There are records of the king a party event in the oracle inscriptions, and < > >, < < Zuozhuan, yizhoushu > early documents recorded the Duke king of Wensi River Basin of the Central Plains culture and conquests, Dongyi culture collision fierce here. The Wensi River Basin and the Central Plains bronze bronze similar also retain their own characteristics, to build the Wensi River Valley Business Week The evolution frame of the bronze ware is particularly important.
Firstly, the Wensi river basin after the Shang and Zhou dynasties bronze data were collected comprehensively, and typology analysis and staging dating, establish the evolution sequence of various bronze zone. The basin of the clan, the country is discussed, some research issues related to the bronze and reflected.
The full text is divided into seven parts:
The first chapter is the introduction. It introduces the natural geographical environment and historical evolution of the Wen Si River Basin, determines the time and space of the research. It also gives a brief account of the research status and the research purpose and methods of this area.
The second chapter, analysis of the types of Wensi River Basin. The basin unearthed bronze bronze in Shang and Zhou Dynasty according to their use as food, wine, water, musical instruments, weapons five types, and each type of each category in each of the typological analysis, summarize the evolution of each type in order to understand the basin, bronze development.
The third chapter, stage and age of Wensi River Basin. In the bronze typology based on the analysis of the bronzes are divided into five periods and ten stages. For a period of one, two, two in the equivalent period; for a period of three, equivalent to the three time; the three period was four, five, six. The equivalent of the four period to the early Western Zhou Dynasty; four for a period of seven, equivalent to the mid western Zhou Dynasty earlier period of eight; five, nine, ten, equivalent to the late mid western Zhou Dynasty to the late Western Zhou Dynasty.
The fourth chapter, the combination of Wensi River Basin. The bronze were analyzed in this chapter for each period of the bronze combination form. And compare the bronze combination at the same time, found the early Shang to Western Zhou, a local business type combination, after the mid western Zhou Ji Zhou combination, also have local combination. A comparative study was conducted on the basin between the clan combination, found family differences. There is a combination of bronze