本文关键词:隋唐金银器对瓷器的影响研究 出处:《西北大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the Sui and Tang dynasties, gold and silver ware was one of the most important. At that time, only the upper aristocrats could use it, and it was the symbol of status, and the expensive value of the gold and silver ware. And the sacred meaning of gold and silver in the hearts of people since ancient times, so that the gold and silver objects were sought after by the public. However, due to the strict control of gold and silver by the government. Ordinary people can only be deterred by gold and silver. Porcelain is cheap and widely used, both aristocrats and ordinary people can use it. In order to conform to the aesthetic and the pursuit of luxury psychology. Many porcelain kilns began to imitate the shape and decoration of gold and silver ware, and combined the process of making gold and silver ware with the characteristics of porcelain. Based on the previous studies, this paper attempts to discuss the influence of gold and silver objects in Sui and tang dynasties on china and its related problems. This paper mainly focuses on the archaeological excavations of gold and silver objects and china objects as research objects. . First of all, from the modeling, decoration, decorative techniques and other aspects of porcelain and gold and silver ware comparative study. On this basis. At the same time, through combing the data, the reason, time and area of the porcelain imitation gold and silver ware are analyzed in detail. As well as the imitation process of the Chinese and Western culture has been studied, thus, a more comprehensive explanation of the Sui and Tang dynasties by the gold and silver ware of the emergence, development and characteristics, and reached a preliminary conclusion.
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