本文关键词: 历史文化街区 体验营销 体验价值 复杂顾客 出处:《天津工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, there has been a wave of protection and development of historical and cultural blocks at home and abroad, but there are some problems in the process of protection and development of historical and cultural blocks, and in the context of the era of experience economy. Experience marketing pays attention to individuation, participation, experience and the uniqueness of historical and cultural district and the particularity of experience value. Experience marketing has a broad application prospect in the development and promotion of historical blocks. This paper adopts literature research method, field research method, expert consultation method and empirical analysis method. The application of experience marketing theory knowledge is applied to solve the problem of creating and realizing the experience value of historical and cultural blocks. Through a large number of historical and cultural blocks protective development and experience marketing literature reference. From the perspective of complex customers in historical and cultural blocks, this paper constructs an index system for measuring the experience value of historical and cultural blocks based on complex customers, which includes 6 dimensions of experience value and 23 indicators of measurement. By using factor analysis and structural equation model, it is found that the aesthetic experience value and the historical and cultural experience value are the most important value of the customer. The historical and cultural district of Tianjin has better development of these two kinds of experience value; The development of image experience value and entertainment and leisure experience value of historical and cultural district in Tianjin is insufficient, so it is necessary to strengthen the development and construction; Different customers have different cognition of the value of the district experience. Local residents will pay more attention to the value of the environment and entertainment and leisure experience of the block, and commercial investors will value the value of economic experience. City managers pay more attention to the value of image experience. Then, on the basis of the characteristics of historical and cultural blocks and experience marketing theory, the paper constructs the combination of experience marketing model of historical and cultural blocks, which includes stock analysis. Experience value and target customer positioning, experience value development, marketing promotion, block branding and other content. Finally, on the basis of empirical analysis results and historical and cultural blocks experience marketing model combination analysis framework. This paper analyzes the path of creative protection and value development of historical and cultural blocks in China, and puts forward the concrete implementation strategies of experience marketing of Tianjin historical and cultural blocks based on complex customers. Furthermore, it discusses the balance between development and protection in the experience marketing of historical and cultural blocks, as well as the over-development of historical and cultural blocks and the prevention of misunderstandings in marketing. For the protection and sustainable development of other historical and cultural blocks to provide reference. The innovation of the article has three main points: first, based on the perspective of complex customers to study the different customers of the neighborhood experience value cognition similarities and differences. To provide the basis for the development strategy of the historical and cultural district; Second, the construction of historical and cultural block experience marketing model combination, and proposed based on complex customers of Tianjin historical and cultural district experience marketing specific implementation strategy. To promote the protection and development of historical and cultural blocks to the level of experience marketing; Thirdly, the paper constructs the measurement index system of the historical and cultural district experience value based on complex customers, quantifies the historical cultural district experience value index and uses the empirical analysis method to carry on the quantitative analysis.
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