本文选题:炎黄信仰 切入点:战国 出处:《管子学刊》2014年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The belief of Yan and Huang mainly originated in the warring States period. Although there were no records of Yan Huang in the books of Poems, Books, etc., however, Mandarin, Yi Zhou Shu, Da Dai Li Ji, Confucius Family language, and other classical books preserved many precious materials of the Pre-Qin Dynasty. It also has a profound influence on the Historical Records, Han Shu, and later historical books. Guo Dian's Chu Bamboo slips, Tao of Tang Yu, and Zun de Yi, also trace back to the "six emperors" and the ancient emperors. Confucius's Taoist system, on a number of simple articles on the show of Yao, Shun Yu Tang Wenwu of the system of recognition, In particular, it reveals the importance of the "Tao" of "loving one's parents and respecting the virtuous" and "preserving the health of the people". This kind of historical tracing of "Tao" and "asked" and "Wen Dao", which includes Yan and Huang, is essentially a process of historical reconstruction. The core proposition is "benevolence" and whether "benevolence" can be carried out, which reflects the new outlook of the development of Confucianism before and after the middle period of the warring States period. As for the withdrawal of Yan Huang from the moral system, This phenomenon may have something to do with the trend of thought and the breeding of the five elements and Taoism. This phenomenon further explains the influence and significance of the ethical values of the historical reconstruction of Confucianism, which has a great influence on the development of history and the writing of historical works in later generations.
【作者单位】: 西北大学中国思想文化研究所;
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