发布时间:2018-03-30 13:27
本文选题:磁州窑 切入点:婴戏纹 出处:《苏州大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:在我国古代陶瓷装饰图案中,婴戏纹题材是一个重要内容,而现代陶艺纹样中,儿童题材的运用也越来越广,其形制、工艺表现手法日趋灵活多变。在一些优秀的陶瓷纹样设计中,不难看出传统元素在其中的完美演绎,这也正激起了作者对本课题的研究兴趣。 磁州窑作为我国最具影响力的民间瓷窑之一,婴戏纹装饰有其独特的魅力。其不仅装饰技法熟练、丰富,而且包容百家之所长,描绘内容涵盖了当时孩童生活的各个方面,为我们研究当时人们的生活习俗提供了重要的参考价值。本文从艺术的角度,对磁州窑婴戏纹的题材分类,装饰手法,表现内容和各个时期的流变做出了一个归纳和整理,进行了较为科学的分析。并试图对其作出较为充分全面的诠释,以期对我国陶艺装饰图案设计的发展有所裨益。
[Abstract]:In the ancient ceramic decorative patterns in China, the theme of infant play is an important content, while in the modern ceramic patterns, the use of children's themes is becoming more and more extensive, its shape, In some excellent ceramic pattern design, it is not difficult to see the perfect deduction of traditional elements, which is arousing the author's interest in this subject. As one of the most influential folk porcelain kilns in China, Cizhou Kiln has its unique charm. It is not only skillful in decoration techniques, rich in decoration techniques, but also tolerant of the advantages of a hundred schools of learning. The depiction covers all aspects of children's life at that time. It provides an important reference value for us to study people's life and customs at that time. From the artistic point of view, this paper summarizes and arranges the subject matter classification, decoration technique, performance content and the evolution of each period of Cizhou kiln baby play. This paper makes a more scientific analysis and tries to make a full and comprehensive interpretation of it in order to benefit the development of ceramic decorative pattern design in China.
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