本文选题:内蒙古长城地带 切入点:龙山文化 出处:《内蒙古师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:内蒙古长城地带早期石城址是分布在我国北方历史时期长城沿线地区的一支考古学文化。其分布的范围就今内蒙而言,可以将其分为两个部分:一部分是内蒙古中南部(即长城地带中段),另一部分是内蒙古东南部(即长城地带东段)。经考古证实,在内蒙古这支文化起源于中南部的龙山时期,一直延续到东南部的青铜时代。 分布于这两个地理区域内的石城从起源上有其共同点也有其相异点,早期学者对这两部分的石城分别进行过形态结构、社会功用等上的探讨,并有其不同的观点。本文将这两部分采取“分---总”的比较研究方法,重点探讨内蒙古长城地带石城址的布局差异、社会功用、彼此之间的关系等问题,并提出一些浅显的新看法。 第一,这两个地区最大的共同之处是,石城址均建设在地势险要的依山傍水之地,其形状都是随着地势的起伏而定,故平而图形不固定。有的近似方形,圆形,椭圆形,三角形,梭子形等多种形状;分布在历史时期的长城沿线地区,这就使其具有明显的军事防御功能; 第二,在这两个区域内,石城内都建有专门的祭祀场所。为数众多的祭祀遗存的出现,从一个方面说明石城与其周围的地域有了一定的血缘纽带,同时宗教信仰已经形成一股强大的凝聚力。 第三,在这两个区域内的石城,最大的区别在于社会聚落形态不一样。分布在内蒙古长城地带中段的石城是以个体性质存在的,而分布在内蒙古长城地带东段的石城以点、线分布,组成了一定范围内的统一整体。 第四,通过对分布在内蒙古境内两个区域内石城的比较,我们可以推测按推理,东段夏家店下层文化的石城聚落群及其伴随的器物,继承了内蒙古中南部的文化传统。它应是中部岱海地区以老虎山为代表的大型石城址进一步分化和发展的结果。 第五,石城的发展不同与中原土城的发展具有一定的连续性,它的出现和发展都有一定的阶段性。在它的发展中体现了中国古城发展的多样化。
[Abstract]:Inner Mongolia the Great Wall area early stone city is an archaeological culture distributed in the the Great Wall area along the historical period in the north of China. Its distribution range is now in Inner Mongolia, it can be divided into two parts: the first part is the central and southern Inner Mongolia (the Great Wall middle zone), the other part is the southeast of Inner Mongolia (the Great Wall the eastern zone). Confirmed by the archaeology, the culture in Inner Mongolia originated in the south of the Longshan period, has been extended to the southeast of the bronze age.
The distribution in these two geographical areas from the origin of the rock have the same point also has its differences, early scholars on the two parts of the rock are conducted to investigate morphological structure, social function, and there are different points of view. This paper makes a comparative study of the two part take "points --- the total" the method, focusing on the layout of the differences, Inner Mongolia the Great Wall area of stone city of social function, the relationship between such problems, and put forward a new view of some simple.
First, the most common of the two regions, rock in rugged construction site are at land, its shape is determined with the undulating terrain, so flat and graphics are not fixed. Some approximate square, circular, oval, triangular, shuttle and other forms; distribution in historical period along the Great Wall area, which makes it has obvious military defense capabilities;
Second, in the two regions, in the rock has a set of specific places of worship. There is a large number of sacrifice, from one aspect of that rock and the surrounding areas have a certain kinship ties, and religious beliefs have formed a strong cohesive force.
Third, in the two regions of the rock, the biggest difference is that the social settlement pattern is not the same. Distributed in the middle of the Great Wall in Inner Mongolia area of the castle is the nature of individual existence, and distribution in the eastern section of the Great Wall in Inner Mongolia area of the rock to the point, line distribution, form a certain range of unity.
Fourth, according to the distribution in the territory of Inner Mongolia two area of rock, we can speculate on the reasoning, the eastern section of the Lower Xiajiadian Culture rock settlement group and its associated objects, inherited the cultural tradition of South Central Inner Mongolia. It is the central Daihai region represented by the tiger hill large rock site further differentiation and the result of the development.
Fifth, has a certain continuity of development development of different rock and the Central Plains Tucheng, its emergence and development have a certain stage. In its development reflects the diversification of Chinese city development.
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