本文选题:湖北 + 五代墓葬 ; 参考:《东南文化》2017年06期
[Abstract]:In Hubei Theatre, the tomb of Yang Wu of the five dynasties unearthed one side purchase coupons and three pieces of terracotta figures, one of which was covered with ink calligraphy in front, behind and on the right.Through the interpretation of the characters and the comparative study with other related tombs, it can be concluded that the terracotta figures with characters are the "cypress people" who take the blame instead of the strangers, and the other two terracotta figures are slaves and maidservants who serve the owners of the tombs in the underground world.Bai people have a distinct Taoist nature, which is different from the Goudi policy in the Western Han Dynasty.At present, the tomb shape of the unearthed cypress people is simple, the scale is small, and the identity of the tomb owner is relatively low, which to some extent reflects the group characteristics of the tomb owners who buried the cypress people in the Northern Song Dynasty of the late Tang and five dynasties.
【作者单位】: 四川大学历史文化学院考古学系;
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