发布时间:2018-04-26 07:20
本文选题:大日如来 + 芒康县 ; 参考:《西藏研究》2014年04期
[Abstract]:At the beginning of this year, while working at the village work site of Gatuo Town in Mungkang County, Tibet, a researcher of the Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences, Ci Ren Jiab, discovered a large statue of the Great Day Tathagata and the eight Great Bodhisattva Cliffs. According to the investigation and study conducted by two researchers at Bassanwangdui, Xizang Academy of Social Sciences, and Ciren Jiabu, it was preliminarily confirmed that this is a newly discovered large relief bodhisattva group of Tibetan cliffs in our region. Mengkang County is also found in the second big day and eight bodhisattva statues. Embossed Bodhisattva group chisel carved on a mountain mouth rock wall 9 meters high, 7.5 meters wide. The Great Sun Tathagata (in Sanskrit is Pilucana) is in the middle, 4.95 meters high, with both hands meditating and kind, sitting on the Lotus Lion. Stand about 8 Bodhisattvas. Each is divided into two levels, the upper right is Puxian, the King Kong hand, the lower is the earthen Tibet, the Guanshiyin; the upper left is Maitreya, empty storage, the next Manjusri, apart from the obstacles, a total of eight Bodhisattvas, the shape of a simple and vivid, reflecting the early Tibet
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