本文选题:马坡H + 庙底沟二期 ; 参考:《考古与文物》2014年01期
[Abstract]:In this paper, based on the statistics of pottery, color and type of pottery, the H1 ware group of Mapo is placed in the space-time background of the second stage of Miaodigou and the period of Longshan, and compared with the second stage of Miaodigou and the Longshan formation, respectively. Through systematic comparison, it is found that the Mabo H1 artifacts group has both the cultural characteristics of Miaodigou II and Longshan period, and it is considered that the remains of Mabo H1 are a regional type of Miaodigou II culture, which is called the Mapo type. Its age is the late stage of the second stage of Miaodigou culture. The Mapo H1 artifacts group is closely related to the formation of the remains of the second phase of Ke Province and the fourth phase of Xinghua Village, and is one of the sources of both cultural factors.
【作者单位】: 陕西省考古研究院;
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