本文选题:南方 + 唐宋 ; 参考:《中国国家博物馆馆刊》2015年02期
[Abstract]:Based on the identification of the data of steamed bread kilns in the Tang and Song dynasties in southern China, this paper, by means of typology, discusses its zoning and staging, and divides the use of southern steamed bread kilns into three regions: Sichuan Basin, Guangdong region and Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is considered that its development has experienced the early Tang Dynasty, the middle and late Tang Dynasty, the early and middle Northern Song Dynasty, the late Northern Song Dynasty to the early Southern Song Dynasty, the middle and late Southern Song Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty of the Southern Song Dynasty, and the technical sources of these steamed bread kilns are analyzed. It is believed that the steamed bread kiln technology in the early Tang Dynasty in Sichuan Basin may have originated from the north, but this is not the technical source of the local steamed bread kiln in the Song and Yuan dynasties. The steamed bread kiln technology in the Tang Dynasty in Guangdong area may be the result of the local brick kiln technology and the northern steamed bread kiln technology introduced in the same period, and the steamed bread kiln element burning technology of the two official kilns in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou and the Southern Song Dynasty is a special historical background. RU Guan kiln steamed bread kiln technology south transmission performance. In the process of southward transmission of northern steamed bread kiln technology, there are two situations: active output aimed at occupying the market and passive southward transmission due to special historical background. Whether the northern steamed bread kiln flourishes in the south is closely related to the foundation of the local porcelain industry.
【作者单位】: 南开大学考古学与博物馆学系;
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