本文选题:南头 + 古城遗址 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:深圳南头古城遗址属广东省与深圳市重点文物保护单位,它始建于东晋咸和六年(公元331年),历史悠久,是深圳的城市发展起源。这里历代所设建制均辖港澳,是香港、澳门自古以来归属中国的见证。唐以来该地成为东南沿海边防要塞和海防前哨,抗击外侮义举交加,是名副其实的爱国主义教育基地。这里出土了大量文物,且有待于进一步发掘。然而,南头古城的保护现状却不容乐观,保护遗址的政策法规不齐不利,保护与管理措施远不到位,古建筑与其他文物损毁极其严重,前景堪忧。有鉴于此,笔者特撰此文,昭示古城的价值意义,列明其岌岌可危的现状,阐述个人关于保护古城的拙见,目的是为古城的完整保护与开发贡献绵薄之力。 深圳南头古城遗址属重要的历史文化遗址,对其进行全面保护是当代人义不容辞的责任,这也是本文立论的出发点。古城现有文化遗存和记载述评古城的历史文献颇为丰富,遗址的悠远厚重与其所遭严重损毁形成鲜明反差,这是必须对其进行保护的无言述求。笔者在论文中大体上展现了南头古城的基本情况,展示了它多方面的历史价值,分析了古城遗址保护面临的严峻形势,指明了古城遗址保护中存在的突出问题与难点所在。本文着重阐释了关于全面实施南头古城保护的个人见解,主要包括确立古城保护整体思路与完善宏观层面保护架框、切实提高政府管理水平与有效协调各方面利益关系、全面提高规划档次与划分区域突出保护重点、以现有有历史遗留建筑为重点对古城内现有建筑分类保护和改造、适度开发利用和发展古文化相关产业等方面。 本文的创造性发现在于笔者对南头古城遗址进行了多次实地考察,掌握了大量有价值的第一手资料,还在于笔者对古城内居民乃至古城外深圳市民进行了随机采访,一定程度上体察到人们对古城的了解及保护意愿。上两者为撰写论文提供了部分人证物证,并以此为基础对古城保护不利的原因进行了深层次分析。本论文的新见解主要在于经思考大胆提出个人关于古城保护的较为全面和整体性规划的想法,以全新的保护构想向政府及有关部门提出建议,这种建议涵盖政策、法规、管理、技术等各个层面。
[Abstract]:The site of Nantou Ancient City in Shenzhen is a key cultural relic protection unit in Guangdong Province and Shenzhen City. It was founded in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Xianhe and six years (AD 331AD). It has a long history and is the origin of Shenzhen's urban development. Hong Kong and Macao have been under the jurisdiction of Hong Kong and Macao since ancient times. Since the Tang Dynasty, this area has become the frontier fortress and coastal guard outpost in southeast China, and it is a patriotic education base worthy of the name. Here unearthed a large number of cultural relics, and to be further excavated. However, the protection situation of Nantou ancient city is not optimistic, the policies and regulations to protect the ruins are not uniform, the protection and management measures are far from being in place, the ancient buildings and other cultural relics are damaged extremely seriously, and the prospects are worrying. In view of this, the author wrote this article to show the value of the ancient city, to list its precarious status quo, and to elaborate personal views on the protection of the ancient city. The purpose is to make a modest contribution to the complete protection and development of the ancient city. Nantou ancient city in Shenzhen is an important historical and cultural site. It is incumbent on contemporary people to protect it in an all-round way, which is also the starting point of this thesis. A Review of the existing Cultural relics and Records of the Ancient City the historical literature of the ancient city is quite rich, and the distant depth of the site is in sharp contrast to the serious damage it has suffered, which is a silent request that must be protected. In this paper, the author shows the basic situation of Nantou ancient city, its historical value in many aspects, analyzes the grim situation of ancient city site protection, and points out the prominent problems and difficulties in the ancient city site protection. This paper emphatically explains the personal opinions on the comprehensive implementation of the protection of the ancient city of Nantou, mainly including establishing the overall idea of protecting the ancient city and perfecting the frame of protection at the macro level, improving the level of government management and effectively coordinating the interests of all aspects. To comprehensively improve the planning level and divide the areas to give prominence to the protection of the existing buildings, with the existing historical buildings as the focus, to protect and rebuild the existing buildings in the ancient city by classification, The creative discovery of this paper lies in the author's many field visits to the site of the ancient city of Nantou, and a great deal of valuable first-hand information. The author also conducted a random interview with the residents of the ancient city and even the residents of Shenzhen outside the ancient city, to a certain extent, to understand people's understanding of the ancient city and their intention to protect it. The above two provide some evidences of human evidence for writing the thesis, and analyze the reasons for the unfavorable protection of the ancient city on the basis of them. The new ideas of this paper mainly lie in boldly putting forward the individual's idea of comprehensive and holistic planning on the protection of ancient cities, and putting forward suggestions to the government and relevant departments with a completely new concept of protection, which covers policies, regulations, management, etc. Technology and so on.
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