本文选题:西夏文 + 首领 ; 参考:《中国书法》2017年23期
【摘要】:正《甘肃省博物馆文物精品图集》著录一方"西夏文「首领」铜印",相关说明文字称:印高3.1c m,印宽5.3c m,印面近方形,圆角。印文为西夏文九叠篆两个字,阳文,汉译为"首领"二字。印背左右两边各刻一行西夏文行书,右边一行五个字,汉译为"应天龙兔年",是颁印的时间。左边一行七个字,汉译为"首领居地乙乙居",是司印者的官职、姓名。印钮上端有一个西夏字,汉译为"上"字。这方首领印,为研究西夏历史有重要意义。[1]
[Abstract]:The "copper print", the leader of the Xixia language, is the official of the "Xixia language". The related description says: the printing height is 3.1 cm, the printing width is 5.3 cm, the printing surface is near square, round corner. Indian for the West Xia nine-fold seal character, Yangwen, Chinese translation of the word "chief" two words. Printed back on both sides of the Xixia script, the right line of five words, translated as "the year of the Rabbit Tianlong," is the time to issue the seal. The left-hand line of seven characters, translated as "the head of the land of second place," is the official position of the Indian, name. There is a Xixia character on the top of the print button, which is translated into the word "Shang". It is of great significance to study the history of the Western Xia Dynasty. [1]
【作者单位】: 河北师范大学美术与设计学院;
【基金】:二0一五年度国家社科基金艺术学一般项目《西夏书法史研究》(15B F063) 河北师范大学二0一四年度博士基金(S2014B15)《西夏书法史研究》阶段性成果
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