[Abstract]:Based on the comparison and analysis of the building technology in the front and back of Hequ Pingtou site, it is concluded that the kiln span, the treatment of the door hole, the moisture-proof technology, the burning of white ash and the smear technology of the cave building in the northwest area of prehistoric Shanxi Province, Fire pond peripheral decoration techniques and other building technology inheritance development. Based on the analysis of building mechanics on the site, it is concluded that the stability of structural mechanics of loess cave has been well understood by the ancestors of prehistoric northwest Shanxi. Finally, scanning electron microscope (SEM) energy dispersive spectrum analysis and C _ (14) dating were carried out on the white ash samples of the house site. The results of scanning electron microscope showed that the burning technology of white ash in the later stage was higher than that in the early stage, and the carbon fourteen years showed that the front house was 3835 卤25 years away, and the later house was 3535 ~ 3715 years ago.
【作者单位】: 北京联合大学应用文理学院历史文博系;北京科技大学科技史与文化遗产研究院;山西大学科学技术史研究所;山西省文物鉴定站;忻州市文物管理处;
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