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发布时间:2018-07-29 20:41
【摘要】:2006年夏,西藏山南地区措美县当许镇信教群众在维修坍塌的噶塘蚌巴奇塔时,从塔藏中发现了大量藏文残卷,这是继1900年敦煌出土大批吐蕃文献之后首次在西藏本土发现的吐蕃文献,这一重大发现引起了国内外藏学界的极大关注。大量藏文残卷中有三部苯教仪轨方面的著作和一部苯教医学著作。本文主要解读、分析、研究苯教仪轨方面的三部残卷,论述文献的外部特征、主要内容、宗教词汇、文法特征以及文献中所体现的苯教思想及其文化价值,最后从文书的词汇、语法特征和内容等方面入手初步断定三部文书的成书时期。 本文分二篇: 第一篇,共2章。 第1章,主要介绍三部文献的基本情况,即噶塘蚌巴奇塔的地理位置、形状、塔形比较、建造年代以及残卷的纸张、墨色、书法特点等外部特征,并依据残卷原文纠正了《当许噶塘蚌巴齐塔新发现的古苯教文献汇编》一书出版过程中出现的一些抄录错误。 第2章,主要解读、分析三部文献的内容,论文这一部分主要介绍了该文献的基本情况及其所体现的内容。即残卷一主要讲述了五种讲述仪轨故事(?) rEas或sPrang),讲述仪轨故事在吐蕃人的宗教生活中占有重要地位。苯教卷子在叙述一个主要的故事涉及到某种仪轨时常常要插入一段有关这种仪轨的先例,这在苯教文献中被称作cho-raEs、raEs(仪轨故事)或sPrang(仪轨述说)。残卷一中的五种仪轨故事分别是: 1.(?)(gnag rEas),即斯巴苯教前四乘的内容。主要是拿敌人身体上的某一身肢或某一物品进行诅咒对方,试图攻击或战败对方的一种巫术仪式。该卷详细讲述了如何进行此巫术仪式的过程、功能及其产生的结果。 2.“赞”与“魔鬼”的故事,同样是斯巴苯教前四乘的内容。主要讲述了如何对付“赞”与“魔鬼”,并该仪式应具备的主客观条件及产生的作用。 3.(?)(Eyol rEas),即(?)(Eyol)和(?)(ltos ngan),(?)(EGuG)的故事。 4.(?)(ltos ngan)与怎样对抗(?)(ltos ngan)的故事。5.以神话故事的形式讲述了“金(gser)"和“酒(skyePs)"的祖先名称、功能与特点,表明了从古至今“金(gser)"和“酒(skyePs)"文化在藏民族的传统文化中是根深蒂固的,是藏族传统文化的重要组成部分。 残卷二是一个解秽故事。首先提到了某个女子怀孕的情况;中间讲述了该地的某一魔鬼附在女子身上,因而,此女子身受灾难和晦气的情况;最后讲述了为了逢凶化吉、清除触染而邀请秽苯(Gri Eon)进行上供神,下征魔的宗教仪式过程。 残卷三讲述了神鹿的故事,即神鹿的恩惠,给神鹿起名叫“雍仲神鹿古洛”(gyung Grung gi [a Ea ku lo),并给它划分区域的情况。另外文献中提到了四大河流的不同别称以及古代藏族人如何观察北斗七星的变化而行事情况。 第二篇,共3章。 第1章,根据三部残卷中反复出现的“敦巴辛饶、神名、侯国名、侯王名”等内容与敦煌吐蕃文献中的相关文献进行对比研究,论述三部残卷中出现的古代藏族的传统文化即斯巴苯教文化:另外从三部残卷中选出能体现古代藏族人的思维体系和精神气质的宗教词汇,如日、月、星、辰、“拉”崇拜文化以及牦牛、九和十三、苯与苯波、“宇宙形状之羊肩胛骨”(简称羊胛状)、解秽等词汇,进行深入研究、解释这些宗教词汇所能指的文化内涵和深远的历史意义。 第2章,主要论述三部残卷的语法和书法特点。即:利用残卷的典型句子与敦煌吐蕃文献的相关资料做对比和分析,探讨出“赛、煨桑”gsas, Esang, Esangs等苯教词语的涵义和吐蕃时期的语法特点,词义演变等情况。根据三部残卷的白徂体字,并通过几种同类字体文献的对比,叙述了三部残卷的书法特点。 第3章,分析和探讨了三部残卷的发现以便了解和研究吐蕃时期的文化、政治、经济以及对学术研究领域提供的文献价值和现实意义。最后,还通过分析文书中的词汇、语法、句子结构、内容,进行初步断定三部残卷的成书时期。
[Abstract]:In the summer of 2006, when the believers in Shannan, Tibet, found a large number of Tibetan papers during the maintenance of the collapsed Kagan mussela pagoda, a large number of Tibetan literature was found in the mainland of Tibet after a large number of Tubo documents unearthed in Dunhuang in 1900. This major discovery has aroused great concern from the Tibetan academic circles at home and abroad. There are three books in the collection of Tibetan literature and a Book of the medicine of the benzene teaching. This article mainly interprets, analyzes, studies the three remnants of the ritual of the BIS, discusses the external features of the literature, the main contents, the religious vocabulary, the grammatical features, and the thought and cultural value of the literature embodied in the literature, and finally, from the vocabulary of the documents, Beginning with the grammatical features and contents, it is preliminarily concluded that the period of the three documents is written.
This article is divided into two chapters.
The first chapter is 2 chapters.
The first chapter mainly introduces the basic situation of the three documents, namely, the geographical position, shape, the comparison of the tower shape, the age of the construction, the paper, the ink and the calligraphy characteristics of the remnants, and rectify some of the books published in the book published in the book of the newly discovered book of bingta, which was discovered by the Kagan mussel bingta, according to the original text. A copy of the error.
The second chapter, the main interpretation and analysis of the content of the three documents, this part of the paper mainly introduces the basic situation and the contents of the literature. That is, the remnants of the paper mainly describe the five kinds of story telling stories (?) rEas or sPrang), telling the ritual story to occupy an important position in the religious life of the Tubo people. The story of a kind of ritual involves the insertion of a precedent about the ritual, which is called cho-raEs, raEs (ritual story) or sPrang in the BT literature. The five types of ritual stories in the remnants are:
1. (?) (?) (?) (gnag rEas), the first four times of Spartan. It is a witchcraft rite of trying to attack or defeat each other with a certain limb or an object on the enemy's body. The volume details the process of the witchcraft, the work and the results.
The story of 2. "Zan" and "devil" is the same as the first four times of Spartan, mainly about how to deal with "Zan" and "devil", and the subjective and objective conditions and the effect that the ritual should have.
3. (?) (Eyol rEas), namely (?) (Eyol) and (?) (ltos Ngan), (?) (EGuG) story.
4. (?) (?) (ltos Ngan) and how (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (ltos Ngan) of the story of.5. in the form of mythological tales of "GSER" and "wine (skyePs") "ancestor name, function and characteristics, showing that from ancient times" gold (GSER) "and" wine (skyePs) "culture in the Tibetan traditional culture is deep-rooted, is an important part of the Tibetan traditional culture part. Points.
Two is a unfilthy story. First of all, it mentioned the situation of a woman's pregnancy; it tells about a devil attached to a woman in the middle of the land, and therefore, the woman is suffering from a catastrophe and a dark situation; finally, the religious ritual process of offering God and demons for the gods and demons is described for the sake of the misfortune and the removal of the touch and inviting Gri Eon.
The story of the remnants three tells the story of the deer, the grace of the deer, named "gyung Grung GI [a Ea Ku Lo", and the division of the region. In addition, the literature referred to the different alias of the four rivers and how the ancient Tibetans observed the changes in the seven stars of the dipper.
Second chapters, a total of 3 chapters.
The first chapter, according to the contrastive study of "Dun basin Rao, the name of God, the name of Hou Guo, Hou Wang name" in the three remnants, and the related literature in the literature of Dunhuang Tubo, the traditional culture of the ancient Tibetan, that is, the culture of the Spartan, is discussed in the three remnants of the remnants, and the thought of the ancient Tibetans can be reflected from the three remnants. The religious vocabulary of the dimensional system and the spiritual temperament, such as the culture of day, moon, star, Chen, "pull", and the yaks, nine and thirteen, benzene and benzene wave, the "sheep scapula in cosmic shape" (abbreviated as the sheep scapula), and the solution of filth are studied in depth to explain the cultural connotation and profound historical significance of these religious words.
The second chapter mainly discusses the grammatical and calligraphy characteristics of the three remnants. That is, by contrast and analysis of the typical sentences of the remnants and the related materials of the Dunhuang Tubo literature, the meaning of the "Sai, Simon" GSAS, Esang, Esangs and other benzene terms, the grammatical features of the Tubo period, the evolution of the word meaning and so on. And through the comparison of several similar font documents, the calligraphy features of three fragments are described.
The third chapter analyzes and probes into the discovery of the three remnants so as to understand and study the culture, politics, economy and the literature value and practical significance of the Tubo Period. Finally, through the analysis of the vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure and content of the documents, the writing period of the three remnants is preliminarily determined.


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