[Abstract]:The Lushun Museum now contains 15 pieces of Tang tablets found in the ruins of a Buddhist temple in the ancient city of Beiting by a Japanese expedition in the early part of the last century. Although these steles are badly damaged, they can not be conjugated, but from the content of the inscription, it should be a monastery merit monument. The "Longxing Temple" appeared in the inscription should be the Longxing Temple, which was ordered to be built in all the states after the restoration of the Tang Zhongzong, while the inscription appeared in the inscription that "the inspection of the school and the days of the Gov. Vina" should be the monk officials who built the Buddhist monastery with the title of high vulgar official and conferment for the construction of the Buddhist temple. Reflecting the importance of the central government of the Tang Dynasty to the Longxing Temple of Beiting, it is very likely that the site of the Buddhist Temple unearthed from these inscriptions is the site of the Longxing Temple in the first year of the Divine Dragon.
【作者单位】: 兰州大学敦煌学研究所;新疆文物古迹保护中心;
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