[Abstract]:This paper studies the historical culture related to the ancient tombs of Lozagi by means of many historical documents and related archaeological research results and folklore, and probes into the methods of folklore and history. The full text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is divided into two parts: the first part mainly combs the local history of Luoza before Songzangan cloth; The second part is mainly about the historical context of Luoza and the development of religious culture in Luoza during the period from Songzan Ganbu to secession, which lays the groundwork for the following chapters. The first part mainly discusses the origin of the place names of the ancient tombs; the second part introduces the results of many archaeological investigations and researches on the ancient tombs in Jidui through the relevant departments. This paper analyzes the present situation of the ancient tombs, the third part mainly discusses the hierarchy system embodied in the internal and external architectural styles of the Jidui tombs, and the fourth part mainly discusses the cultural phenomena of the time with the burial objects unearthed from the tombs and the customs of animal martyrdom. At the same time, from these material data to further analyze the status and economic status of the tomb owners; the fifth part mainly from the historical situation of tomb theft to explore the burial system at that time. The third chapter is divided into three parts: the first part mainly introduces the geographical location of the two cliff stone carvings and the transcripts of these two stone carvings by scholars in the past. On this basis, the author retranscribes and interprets the contents of the two stone carvings; the second part mainly discusses the age and the corresponding historical background of the two cliff stone carvings that Zamundejun was canonized by Zamunde; The third part discusses other historical phenomena reflected by the contents of the two stone carvings, namely, the jurisdiction of the Demen family, the origin of the names of the two stone carvings and the related problems of the owners of the tombs of the Jidui Tombs. The fourth chapter is also divided into three parts: firstly, it analyzes the past scholars' research on the family name of the owners of the tomb group, and at the same time, the author re-explores the exact "surname" of the family by using all kinds of literature. Secondly, it introduces several family members and their historical achievements recorded in the literature, and finally discusses the problems related to Jidui Tombs from the aspects of family members' identity grade and so on. This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part mainly introduces the whole process and existing situation of religious ritual. The second part mainly discusses and analyzes the religious ritual and historical origin related to the ancient tombs of Jidui from the aspects of the content of the ritual and the time of the ritual and the reasons for the implementation of the ritual.
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