[Abstract]:Euphemism is an important rhetorical method in Chinese, and euphemism is a particular euphemism. Euphemism is a kind of language form with both culture and times. Epitaph is an important style, and the study of epitaph is of great significance to the study of Chinese history. There is no doubt that there are abundant materials to be studied in epitaph, but almost every epitaph uses euphemism because of its own particularity. Therefore, it is of great and universal significance to study the euphemisms in epitaph. This paper studies the euphemism in the epitaph of Sui and Tang dynasties. In the Sui and Tang dynasties, the epitaphs reached the mature stage after the development of the Southern and Northern dynasties, formed a relatively unified form and established the basic form of writing, which had a profound impact on the epitaphs of later generations. More importantly, a large number of epitaphs in the Sui and Tang dynasties involved a wide range of social groups, reflecting the depth of social reality and the richness and flexibility of language use. This provides sufficient data for the study of linguistics. This paper is mainly divided into three parts: first, the introduction mainly introduces the purpose and significance of this paper, and analyzes the history and present situation of the study of epitaph euphemism. The necessity and importance of studying the euphemism of epitaph of Sui and Tang dynasties are put forward. Secondly, the study on the euphemism of the epitaph of the Sui and Tang dynasties classifies the euphemism in the epitaph of the Sui and Tang dynasties into three categories: 1. Death euphemism 2. Tombs euphemism 3. Other euphemisms three, the conclusion of the study of the situation.
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