[Abstract]:In order to cooperate with the construction of the railway between Zhengbaolintai and Irgen, which is 93.5 kilometers in length in Hejing County, Xinjiang Institute of Cultural relics and Archaeology made two visits to the Harbuchi Hansalagou from July to August 2013 and from July to September 2014. The remains of the Hal Hatigou and Bayinbrook grasslands in the northeastern front of the Yue Ledus Basin were investigated and mapped in detail by RTK. A total of 40 stone sites and cemeteries were surveyed and mapped. Archaeological excavations were carried out on 9 cemeteries and 11 stone sites located in the construction area (see chart). A total of 121 tombs were excavated and 9 sacrificial relics were excavated.
【作者单位】: 新疆文物考古研究所;
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