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发布时间:2018-09-14 19:36
【摘要】:汉代碑刻包含了两汉时代的碣、碑、墓志、画像石题记、摩崖、石人石兽题字、黄肠石题字、居住建筑类石刻题字等所有的石刻文字,是严谨和规范的学术概念,不包含没有文字的汉代艺术石刻。汉代碑刻是研究汉代社会风俗、意识形态、历史史实以及文化艺术的重要实物资料,具有极高的学术价值和艺术价值。山东为齐、鲁故地,是儒家孝文化的发祥之地,两汉时期这个地区与丧葬密切相关的石刻文字极为兴盛,是全国汉代碑刻分布最为集中的地区,特别是在曲阜及其周边地区,书法界早就有“中国汉碑半济宁”的说法。 自北宋时代金石学兴起以来,汉代碑刻一直是传统金石学研究中极为重要的内容,已经有了近千年的学术传统。前人在汉代碑刻的文字释读、补史正史、书法艺术等方面取得了很多研究成果,成为我们研究这一学术领域必不可少的重要参考,为进一步的研究奠定了坚实的基础。但是,前人的研究多不注重实地考察,关于山东汉代碑刻的基本信息有很多舛误。在汉代碑刻的文字释读、断代研究、真伪辨别等方面,还有不少可以商榷的余地。关于碑的起源和象征意义也是众说纷纭,莫衷一是。迄今为止还没有人就山东全省范围内的汉代碑刻进行过综合的考察与研究。 本文的主体共分七个部分。 首先是绪论。第一节是有关概念的辨析,第二节是本课题的研究对象、研究方法以及选题的意义,第三节是我国碑刻文字的起源,第四节为汉代碑刻研究历程述评。山东汉代碑刻相关概念的界定是本文立论的起点和基础,我们首先辨别了碑和碑刻这样一对容易混淆的概念,明确了汉代碑刻包含碣、碑、墓志、画像石题记、摩崖等所有汉代石刻文字的概念内涵。本文以山东汉代碑刻为研究对象,包括出土于或现存在山东的、两汉时代的所有石刻文字,也包括两汉之间短暂存在的王莽新朝的石刻文字,主要是作为文物的山东汉代碑刻本身以及作为文献和书法的碑刻文字,而没有把相关碑刻的拓本纳入研究范围。接下来介绍一下本课题的研究方法以及选题的目的和意义。我们以考古学田野调查的方法,对山东汉代碑刻进行彻底的调查和清点,尽可能地对每件碑刻进行拍照摄影、测量尺寸、核对文字的工作,整理出更加详尽的山东汉代碑刻目录。利用历史文献学的方法,对历代著录的碑刻文献进行对比、校勘,摘录出前人研究中的问题,并进一步加以分析,然后提出自己的观点。利用古文字学的方法对山东汉代碑刻的文字释读和字体演变进行研究,从文学的角度研究汉代碑刻文献的文体演变过程,从史学的角度研究汉代碑刻在汉代职官地理、政治军事、社会经济等方面的学术价值。汉代碑刻是优秀的书法艺术作品,通过对比同时代汉代简牍书法,正确认识碑刻文字在汉代书法史上的地位和价值。在汉代碑刻研究历程一节中,首先总结了民国之前的汉代碑刻研究,列出了民国前研究汉代碑刻的主要金石著作及其研究成果,然后是解放后的研究现状,介绍了主要的相关研究著作,叙述了前人在汉代碑刻的分类、分期、分区以及画像石题记等方面取得的研究成果。本文期冀在下述方面取得创新性成果:详细地调查和清点山东汉代碑刻的现存状况,甄别和辨正前人在山东汉代碑刻研究中的成果和问题,研究山东汉代碑刻的年代、地域分布并进行合理分类,深层挖掘汉代碑刻所反映的汉代社会背景,探索山东汉代碑刻的特点及其与周边地区汉代碑刻的关系。 第一章是山东汉代碑刻综述。第一节在详细调查数据的基础上,从年代分布、地域分布以及形制分类等三个方面对山东汉代碑刻进行了详尽的综合考察。第二节以表格的形式统计出现存原石以及已经佚失的山东汉代碑刻,山东现存汉代碑刻包括出土于山东而现存于山东之外的碑刻,计113种,不存原石的山东佚失汉代碑刻计54种,最后我们又列出了伪刻的山东汉代碑刻9种。 第二章是前人在汉代碑刻研究中的问题辨正,分为著录的问题、文字辨识的问题、断代的问题、真伪辨别的问题等。第一节指出了历代代表性金石学著作所存在的问题,简略叙述了近年出版著作中有关山东汉代碑刻的收藏地、尺寸形制等基础性著录错误。第二节是文字辨识的问题,举例说明了前人在几件碑刻文字释读中的问题,提出了笔者的新观点,考释出了几个碑刻疑难字。第三节是断代问题,指出前人断代研究中的几个问题,提出了笔者自己的看法。第四节辨别了几件碑刻的真伪,第五节是我们关于《竹邑侯相张寿碑》的新发现。 第三章是山东汉代碑刻兴起的社会背景。汉代碑刻的产生和兴盛与汉代特定的社会背景、意识形态有密切的关系,我们从孝道与碑刻、墓祭与碑刻、谶纬与碑刻三个方面综合梳理了两汉时代的社会意识形态与汉代碑刻的关系。两汉时期以孝治天下,举孝廉制度促成了注重名节的社会风气,这是汉代碑刻产生的必要条件。西汉中晚期以后,墓祭成了官僚贵族联络宗族、招待宾客的政治活动,东汉明帝时期创建了上陵礼,确立了皇家祭祀祖先寝陵的制度,是汉代碑刻产生的实际需要。谶纬思想最终决定了碑的形制,碑的整体形状象征碑文颂辞自天而降,得天之正统。 第四章是山东汉代碑刻学术价值。我们从汉代碑刻与汉代史学、汉代文学、汉代文字学以及书法艺术等几个方面进行了论述。第一节总结了山东汉代碑刻文献中的经济史料、政治军事史料以及职官地理史料及其价值;第二节就山东汉代碑刻中的民间歌谣、传记散文和押韵颂辞进行了考察;第三节从隶变研究、通假字研究和对《说文》学价值方面论述了碑刻文字的文字学价值;第四节通过对山东汉代碑刻书法与同时代汉代简牍书法的比较研究,正确认识碑刻文字在汉代书法史上的地位和价值。 第五章是山东汉代碑刻与周边地区的关系。总结出山东汉代碑刻的下述特点:种类丰富,在全国范围内存世量最大,画像石题记出现最早,祭祀孔子的汉代碑刻极具地域特色。为了正确认识山东汉代碑刻在全国的位置,讨论了全国汉代碑刻的分布和分区,并进一步探讨了山东汉代碑刻与周边其他分布区的关系。 最后是结语部分,对全文内容进行概括和总结,指出了本文的不足之处或有待提高的地方以及今后进一步的研究构想。 本文的附录分三部分,附录一是现存山东汉代碑刻的详细资料,包括照片、文字的拓本和主要著录目,附录二是原石已经佚失的山东汉代碑刻资料,包括碑刻文字内容和主要著录目,附录三是《汉碑全集》读后记,指出了《汉碑全集》所收录山东汉代碑刻中存在的一些问题。
[Abstract]:The Han Dynasty stone inscriptions contain all the stone inscriptions of the Han Dynasty, such as pillars, steles, epitaphs, stone inscriptions, cliffs, stone man inscriptions, yellow intestines inscriptions, stone inscriptions of residential buildings, etc. They are rigorous and standard academic concepts, and do not contain the Han Dynasty art stone inscriptions without words. Shandong is the birthplace of Confucian filial piety culture. The stone inscriptions closely related to funerals flourished in this area during the Han Dynasty. It is the most concentrated area of Han Dynasty steles in China, especially in Qufu and its surrounding areas. In the area, calligraphy has long been known as "half of Jining in Chinese tablet".
Since the rise of epigraphy in the Northern Song Dynasty, the Han Dynasty stele has always been an extremely important part of the traditional epigraphy, and has been an academic tradition for nearly a thousand years. However, most of the predecessors did not pay attention to on-the-spot investigation, and there were many mistakes in the basic information of the Han Dynasty inscriptions in Shandong Province. There are different opinions. Up to now, no one has made a comprehensive study of the Han Dynasty inscriptions in Shandong Province.
The main body of this article is divided into seven parts.
The first section is the introduction. The second section is the research object, the research method and the significance of the topic. The third section is the origin of Chinese inscriptions. The fourth section is the review of the research process of Han Dynasty inscriptions. A pair of confusing concepts, such as steles and inscriptions, clearly define the concept of Han Dynasty steles, including pillars, steles, epitaphs, stone inscriptions, cliffs and other Han Dynasty stone inscriptions. The stone inscriptions in Wang Mang's new dynasty are mainly the inscriptions of Shandong Han Dynasty as cultural relics and the inscriptions of documents and calligraphy, but the rubbings of the relevant inscriptions are not included in the scope of study. Next, the research methods of this subject and the purpose and significance of the topic are introduced. The inscriptions of the Eastern Han Dynasty were thoroughly investigated and counted, and every inscription was photographed, measured and checked as much as possible. A more detailed catalogue of the inscriptions of the Eastern Han Dynasty in Shandong Province was compiled. This paper studies the interpretation of the characters and the evolution of the fonts of the Han Dynasty inscriptions in Shandong Province by means of ancient philology, studies the stylistic evolution of the Han Dynasty inscriptions from a literary point of view, and studies the Han Dynasty inscriptions from a historical point of view in terms of official geography, politics, military affairs, social economy and so on. Academic value. The Han Dynasty stele is an excellent calligraphy art work. By comparing the handwriting of the Han Dynasty bamboo slips, the position and value of stele inscriptions in the history of calligraphy in the Han Dynasty are correctly understood. In the course of the study of the Han Dynasty stele inscriptions, first summarized the Han Dynasty stele inscriptions before the Republic of China, listed the main stone inscriptions of the Han Dynasty before the Republic of China. This paper aims to make innovative achievements in the following aspects: a detailed investigation and inventory of the inscriptions on Han Dynasty steles in Shandong Province The existing situation, distinguishing and correcting the achievements and problems of predecessors in the study of Han Dynasty steles in Shandong Province, studying the age, geographical distribution and reasonable classification of Han Dynasty steles in Shandong Province, deeply excavating the social background of Han Dynasty reflected by Han Dynasty steles, and exploring the characteristics of Han Dynasty steles in Shandong Province and its relationship with Han Dynasty steles in the surrounding areas.
The first chapter is a summary of the Han Dynasty inscriptions in Shandong Province. On the basis of detailed investigation data, the first section makes a detailed comprehensive investigation of the Han Dynasty inscriptions in Shandong Province from three aspects: the chronological distribution, the geographical distribution and the classification of the form. There are 113 kinds of stone inscriptions unearthed in Shandong and extant outside Shandong. There are 54 kinds of lost Han Dynasty stone inscriptions in Shandong without original stone. Finally, we list 9 kinds of false Han Dynasty stone inscriptions in Shandong.
The second chapter is the problem identification of the predecessors in the study of Han Dynasty stele inscriptions, which is divided into the problems of description, character identification, dating and authenticity identification. The second section is about the problem of character identification. It illustrates the problems of predecessors in the interpretation of several inscriptions on steles with examples, puts forward the author's new viewpoints, and tests and interprets several difficult characters on steles. The fifth section is the new discovery of the monument to Zhu's longevity.
The third chapter is the social background of the rise of the Han Dynasty steles in Shandong. The emergence and prosperity of the Han Dynasty steles are closely related to the specific social background and ideology of the Han Dynasty. After the middle and late Western Han Dynasty, tomb sacrifices became a political activity for the bureaucrats and nobles to contact clans and entertain guests. In the Eastern Han Dynasty and Ming Dynasty, the Shangling ceremony was established, and the system of Royal sacrifices to ancestors'tombs was established. The whole shape of the tablet symbolizes the orthodoxy of the inscriptions descending from heaven.
The fourth chapter is the academic value of Shandong Han Dynasty stele inscriptions.We discuss the stele inscriptions in Han Dynasty and the history of Han Dynasty,the literature of Han Dynasty,the Philology of Han Dynasty and the art of calligraphy.The first section summarizes the economic historical materials,the political and military historical materials as well as the geographic historical materials and their value of the official in Shandong Han Dynasty. The folk ballads, biographical prose and rhyming odes in the inscriptions are investigated; the third section discusses the literary value of the inscriptions on the inscriptions on the inscriptions on the inscriptions on the inscriptions on the tablets from the following aspects: the study of the official changes, the study of the common and false characters and the study of the value of Shuo Wen; the fourth section correctly understands the inscriptions on the inscriptions on the inscriptions on the tablets in the The status and value in the history of calligraphy.
The fifth chapter is about the relationship between the Han Dynasty steles in Shandong Province and the surrounding areas.It summarizes the following characteristics of the Han Dynasty steles in Shandong Province:rich in variety,the largest number in the country,the earliest appearances of stone inscriptions,and the Han Dynasty steles offering sacrifices to Confucius.In order to correctly understand the position of the Han Dynasty steles in the whole country,the Han Dynasty steles in Shandong The distribution and zoning of the inscriptions are also discussed, and the relationship between the inscriptions on the Han Dynasty and other surrounding areas in Shandong is further explored.
The last part is the conclusion, which summarizes and summarizes the content of the whole paper, points out the shortcomings of this paper or areas to be improved and further research ideas in the future.
The appendix is divided into three parts. The first part is the detailed information of Shandong Han Dynasty stele inscriptions, including photographs, rubbings and main catalogues. The second part is the missing materials of Shandong Han Dynasty stele inscriptions, including the contents and main catalogues of the original stone. The third part is the postscript of the complete works of Han steles. Some problems in the inscriptions on the Eastern Han Dynasty.


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1 贾秀梅;汉碑所见功曹及其相关问题[D];郑州大学;2012年

2 吕歆;从碑碣看明清曲沃的宗教[D];山西师范大学;2014年




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